WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting

Using Java Applet Managed Reporting

In this section:

WebFOCUS Managed Reporting utilizes Java technology so that you can run Standard Reports that are defined in advance by an Administrator. You can also create, edit, and save reports that meet your individual needs. You do not need to know the complexities of the underlying databases or the FOCUS language to create and run reports. You create reports and graphs using the set of graphical tools and components described in Introducing WebFOCUS Managed Reporting.

Managed Reporting allows you to run WebFOCUS with a Java applet-enabled browser. Your Administrator selects the Managed Reporting Interface for you and associates it with your user profile. When you sign on, WebFOCUS automatically launches the Java version of Managed Reporting.

This chapter describes Java applet Managed Reporting and provides procedures for running reports and creating your own reports using blocks of data your Administrator has created for you. You will also learn how to submit reports to run in deferred mode and how to apply filters and other parameters.