WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Editing a My Report

Editing a My Report

How to:

When you save a report or graph in a reporting tool, WebFOCUS stores it under the My Reports tab in the Domain window. This tab lists the saved report or graph under the same Reporting Object group folder that contains the Reporting Object used to create the report or graph. WebFOCUS stores deferred report output in the My Reports tab under the Deferred Output group folder.

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Procedure: How to Edit a Saved Report or Graph
  1. From the Domains window, click the My Reports tab.
  2. Select the report or graph you want to edit from the Report and Graphs list box.
  3. Click Open.

    The reporting tool used to create the report or graph opens, showing your previous specifications.

  4. Make your modifications and save the changes.
  5. Exit the reporting tool.

    WebFOCUS returns you to the My Reports tab.