WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Running a Report

Running a Report

In this section:

How to:

From the Domain window, you can run Standard Reports, My Reports, Custom Reports, and Shared Reports. You can run each type of report immediately or as a Deferred Receipt report. To run a report immediately, see How to Run a Standard Report. To run a report in deferred mode, see Running a Deferred Receipt Report.

You can view a Shared Report, but you cannot edit it when you run it from the Shared Reports tab. To edit a Shared Report, you must first copy and save it to your My Reports tab, which includes the Custom Reports folder where applicable. For more information, see How to Copy a Shared Report.

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Procedure: How to Run a Standard Report
  1. Select a Domain from the left-hand pane of the Domains Interface.
  2. In the Standard Reports tab, select the Standard Report you want to run.
  3. Click Run on the toolbar.

    If your Administrator has defined filters for the Standard Report, WebFOCUS opens the Filters selection window.

  4. If filters are available and you want to use them to limit data displayed in the report, perform the following steps:
    1. Expand the Filters group folders in the Filters Selection window.
    2. Select the filters you want to use and click Add. For more information on building filtering criteria, see Filtering Data.

      WebFOCUS displays the filter icon with a red check mark and adds the selection criteria to the Filter Criteria box (lower box in the Filter Selection dialog box).

    3. Click OK to apply the filters to the report and return to the Standard Reports tab.

    Notice that the filters you selected appear below the Standard Report.

  5. Click Run.

    WebFOCUS displays the report.

  6. Close the browser to return to the Standard Reports tab.

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Example: Running a Standard Report

Suppose you want to run a report computing salaries in the Sales Department.

  1. Open the Corporate Personnel Information domain as shown in the following image.

  2. Open the Sales Department group folder under the Standard Reports tab.
  3. Select Current Salary Report as shown in the following image.

  4. Click Run.

    You may be prompted to supply a WebFOCUS Reporting Server ID. For more information, see Signing on to a Server.

  5. Close Current Salary.

    You return to the Standard Reports tab.

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Procedure: How to Run a My Report or Custom Report
  1. Click the My Reports tab in the Domain window.
    • My Reports are listed under the Reporting Object folder from which they were created.
    • Custom Reports are listed in the Custom Reports folder in the My Reports tab.
  2. Select the report or graph name.
  3. Click Run.

    WebFOCUS displays saved reports.

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Procedure: How to Run a Shared Report
  1. Click the Shared Reports tab in the Domain window.

    WebFOCUS displays folders with the names of users who have contributed reports.

  2. Double-click a user name.

    The user name expands to display the Reporting Object group folders that were used to create the Shared Reports.

  3. Double-click the Reporting Object group folder and then the subgroup folder that contains the Shared Report you want to run.

    Note that the Shared Report icon appears next to the name of the report.

  4. Select the report and then click Run.

    WebFOCUS displays the report.

  5. Close the browser to return to the Shared Reports tab.

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Running a Deferred Receipt Report

Deferred Receipt allows you to submit reports for processing and to retrieve the results later. You do not have to wait for a report to process and return to your browser. You can submit a report in any format, including OLAP-enabled reports and reports flagged for On-demand Paging for Deferred Receipt.

A Managed Reporting Administrator can also designate a Standard Report or Reporting Object to run only in deferred mode. To determine whether a Standard Report or Reporting Object is designated as a Deferred Receipt Report, see How to View Report Properties.

After you submit a report for Deferred Receipt, use the Deferred Report Status Interface to:

For more information, see Using the Deferred Report Status Interface.

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Procedure: How to Submit a Report for Deferred Receipt
  1. Log on to Managed Reporting.
  2. Expand the domain containing the report you want to run in deferred mode.

    WebFOCUS opens the domain in the right hand pane of the Domains Interface.

  3. Select a group folder from the Standard Reports tab, the My Reports tab, or the Shared Reports tab.
  4. Select a Standard Report, My Report, or Shared Report and click Run Deferred.

    You may be prompted to supply a WebFOCUS Reporting Server ID. For more information, see Signing on to a Server.

  5. If the report contains variables, when the intermediate window (HTML form) opens (to prompt you for a value), enter a value in the input box.
  6. Click Submit.

    The Deferred Report Notification window opens to display notification of successful or unsuccessful submission of the deferred request.

  7. Close the Deferred Report Notification window to return to Managed Reporting.
  8. Click Deferred Status to view the status of the Deferred Receipt request using the Deferred Report Status Interface.

For more information about monitoring and viewing Deferred Receipt requests, see Using the Deferred Report Status Interface.

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Example: Submitting a Deferred Report

Suppose you want to run a report computing salaries in the Sales Department while you continue to work on other Managed Reporting applications.

  1. Open the Corporate Personnel Information domain.
  2. Open the Sales Department group folder under the Standard Reports tab.
  3. Select Current Salary Report.
  4. Click Run Deferred on the toolbar. The Deferred Report Notification window opens, confirming that Current Salary has been successfully submitted for Deferred Receipt. The following image shows the Deferred Report Notification window which contains the day, date and time that the report has successfully been submitted for deferred execution.

  5. Close the Notification window to return to the Standard Reports tab.
  6. When you want to view Current Salary, access the Deferred Report Status Interface by clicking Deferred Status. For more information, see Using the Deferred Report Status Interface.

    The following image shows the Deferred Report Status window containing the day, date and time displayed in the title bar. To view report status, you can use the Refresh button, Sort By list box (in ascending or descending order), and Help button. Refresh can also be automatically scheduled by entering the number of seconds for refresh and selecting the Enable Refresh check box. The bottom part of the window lists the completed deferred reports containing Date/Time Submitted, Domains, Description, Expires in, and Options information.

  7. Click View under the Options column to view Current Salary or click Save to save Output of Current Salary to the Output folder under your My Reports tab.

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Procedure: How to View Report Properties

You can view report properties to determine whether your Administrator has designated a Standard Report or Reporting Object as a Deferred Receipt Report.

  1. Select a report from the Standard Reports tab.
  2. Click Properties on the Domain window toolbar.

    If the report is a Deferred Receipt Report, Run Deferred appears in the Properties dialog box after the folder name.

  3. Click Cancel to exit the Properties dialog box and return to the Domain window.

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Saving Deferred Receipt Reports

You can save Deferred Report output when the report status is Completed. When you save Deferred Report output, WebFOCUS removes the report from the Deferred Report Status Interface and creates a new group folder, Deferred Reports Output, on the My Reports tab. WebFOCUS then saves the Deferred Report output to this group folder.

There is one Deferred Reports Output group folder for each domain. Report output contained within the Deferred Reports Output folder is static and can only be viewed. WebFOCUS disables the Run Deferred option for any report contained in the Deferred Receipt Report Output group.

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Procedure: How to Save a Deferred Receipt Report
  1. Open a domain.
  2. Select the Standard Reports or My Reports tab.
  3. Click Deferred Status.

    The Deferred Report Status Interface opens.

  4. Select a Deferred Receipt report from the Completed tab.
  5. Click Save in the Options column for this report.

    WebFOCUS saves the Deferred Receipt report results to the My Reports tab and the Deferred Reports Output group folder, and deletes the Deferred Receipt report from the Deferred Report Status Interface. The My Report name is the description that WebFOCUS displayed in the Deferred Report Status Interface as well as the date and time the My Report was created.

  6. Close the Deferred Report Status Interface.

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Reviewing Deferred Request Parameters

You can review or change parameters and then resubmit a Deferred Receipt report from the Deferred Report Status Interface when the report status is Completed. This option allows you to retrieve specific data contained within the report.

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Procedure: How to Retrieve Deferred Receipt Request Parameters
  1. Open a domain.
  2. Select the Standard Reports or My Reports tab.
  3. Click Deferred Status.

    The Deferred Report Status interface opens.

    Note: Click Refresh to obtain the most current status of deferred requests.

  4. Locate the report description under the Completed tab.

    The Deferred Report Notification window opens to display notification of successful or unsuccessful submission of the deferred request.

  5. Close the Deferred Report Notification window to return to the Deferred Report Status Interface.