WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Sharing a Report

Sharing a Report

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Frequently you create reports or graphs that you may want to share with others in your organization. The Shared Reports feature addresses this need by enabling you to create reports and make them available to other users who access the same domain.

By designating a report as shared, you allow others to run it. The report is run from the Shared Reports tab in the Domain window. Another user cannot edit a Shared Report in the Shared Reports tab. However, users can copy and save a Shared Report to their own My Reports tab. After saving the report to the My Reports tab, users can then edit it without affecting the original report.

The Administrator designates who may make reports and graphs available to others. All users who access the Domains window have the ability to view shared reports. All users who access the same domain may run and copy reports designated as shared from the Shared Reports tab. Note that this does not include users with the User role, who cannot copy reports.

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Using the Shared Reports Tab

The Shared Reports tab is in the Domains Interface. The tab consists of folders named for the users who contributed Shared Reports. When you expand a folder, all the reports contributed by a particular user appear under a Reporting Object group folder or subgroup folder. These reports are available to all other Managed Reporting users who can access the domain.

You can use the Deferred Status, Help, Open, and Refresh buttons without selecting a report. To use the other buttons, you must expand a folder and select the report you want to run or save.

The Shared Reports tab enables you to:

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Designating a Report as Shared

When you share a report, other users with access to the domain (except users with the User role) can run the report or copy it to their My Reports tab. The My Reports that you contribute appear in the Shared Reports tab. These reports also appear in your My Reports tab with a shared icon to denote that they have been made available to others.

You can share a report using one of the following methods:

Only users who have been granted the Shared privilege by their Administrator can share a My Report.

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Procedure: How to Share a My Report

To make an existing report available:

  1. Click the My Reports tab.
  2. Double-click the Reporting Object group folder and the subgroup folder that contains the report you want to share.
  3. Select the report.
  4. Click Properties to open the Properties dialog box.
  5. Click the Share Report check box near the bottom of the Properties dialog box.
  6. Click OK.

The dialog box closes, and the report becomes available to every user who accesses the domain. You return to the My Reports tab.

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Procedure: How to Share a New Report

To make a report or graph that you are creating available to others:

  1. Click Save after you make your selections in the reporting tool.
  2. When the Save New Report dialog box opens, enter a descriptive name for the report.
  3. Click the Share Report check box.
  4. Click OK.

The dialog box closes, and the report becomes available to every user who accesses the domain. You return to the My Reports tab.

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Procedure: How to Copy a Shared Report

To copy a Shared Report to your My Reports folder:

  1. Click the Shared Reports tab in the Domain window.

    WebFOCUS displays folders with the names of users who have contributed reports.

  2. Double-click a user name.

    The user name expands to display the Reporting Object group folders that were used to create the Shared Reports.

  3. Double-click the Reporting Object group folder and the subgroup folder that contains the Shared Report you want to copy.
  4. Select the report and then click Save As My Report on the toolbar.

    The Save As My Report dialog box opens.

    You can keep the original name or you can change the name of the report by deleting the original and typing a new name.

  5. Click OK.

    WebFOCUS copies the report to your My Reports tab.

After you copy a Shared Report to your My Reports tab, you can edit or delete the report without affecting the original one.

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Procedure: How to Edit a Shared Report
  1. After you copy a Shared Report, click the My Reports tab.
  2. Double-click the Reporting Object group folder and the subgroup folder that contains the report.
  3. Select the report and then click Open.

    WebFOCUS opens the reporting tool used to create the report or graph and displays the report or graph you copied from the Shared Reports tab.

You can make your modifications and save the current changes or you can delete the report if you wish.

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Sharing a Custom Report

You can share a Custom Report with other users. If the other user does not have the Advanced privilege, the user can run the report deferred, but cannot save it.

A user that has been granted the Advanced privilege can run, run deferred, and save reports. Saved reports can also be edited.