WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Filtering Data

Filtering Data

In this section:

Filters enable you to determine the data you want to display in a report, without creating selection criteria. You can select pre-defined filters to limit data. Data must match the filtering criteria to be included in your report. You can select one or more filters from the same filtering group to create a simple filtering expression. You can also select multiple filters from multiple filtering groups to create complex filtering expressions.

The Filters tab is divided into two sections, the (top) selection box and the (bottom) filtering criteria box. The selection box displays the filter groups (in boldface type) and the filters they contain. The filtering criteria box displays the filters that you select.

See Simple Filtering Criteria and Complex Filtering Criteria for information on the types of filtering criteria you can create and how the criteria limits data.

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Simple Filtering Criteria

Simple filtering criteria consist of one or more filters from the same filter group. If you select only one filter, the data must match that filter to be included in the report. If you select multiple filters from the same filter group, data must match at least one filter to be included in the report.

The following image shows the Filters window containing the Regional Product Sales folder where a product and a region can be chosen for filter selection.

For example, if you select the Gifts and Food filters from the Choose a Product filter group, data would only have to match one of the filters for WebFOCUS to include it in the report. Therefore, any Product sold that is in either the Gifts or Food category would satisfy the criterion for this report.

The filtering criteria box at the bottom of the Filters window displays the logical relationship between criteria. Notice that the word "or" is added to clarify this relationship.

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Complex Filtering Criteria

Complex filtering criteria consists of selecting at least one filter from multiple filter groups. Data must match one filter from each filter group to be included in a report.

For example, if you select the Gifts filter from the Choose a Product filter group and the West filter from the Choose a Region filter group, data must match both filters to be included in your report. Therefore, only Gifts purchased in the West will be displayed by WebFOCUS. In this example, the phrase "And any of the following: West" is added to the filtering criteria box to clarify the logical relationships in the filtering criteria.

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Procedure: How to Run Procedures With Filters

To run a procedure with a filter in Managed Reporting, your Administrator must create a report with filters attached. The filters that your Administrator attaches are grouped in categories and displayed under the filter group folders.

  1. From the Domains Interface, double-click the desired Domain name.

    WebFOCUS displays the contents of the selected Domain in the right pane of the Domains Interface.

  2. In the Standard Reports tab, expand the group folder containing the report with filters attached.
  3. Select the Standard Report and click Filters.

    The Filter Selection window opens.

  4. Expand the filter group folders.

    WebFOCUS displays a list of filters that your Administrator has created.

  5. Select the desired filter and click Add in the panel on the right side of the Filter Selection window.

    The selected filter appears with a check mark in the upper section of the Filter Selection window, and the filter name is added to the filtering criteria box.

  6. When you are finished selecting filters, click OK.

    You return to the Standard Reports tab. The filters you selected are displayed under the report name and will be applied automatically when you run the report.

  7. To run your report, click Run.

    WebFOCUS displays your report in a new browser window displaying only the data that matches the selected criteria.

Note: If you want to change your filter selections, return to the Filter selection window, select the filters you want to Add or Remove, and click the appropriate button.

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Example: Running Reports With Filters

You want to run a report with attached filters named Product Sales. From the Domains Interface:

  1. Double-click the folder next to the Sales Domain.

    WebFOCUS displays the contents of the Sales Domain in the right pane of the Domains Interface.

  2. From the Standard Reports tab, expand the Regional Sales group folder.
  3. Select Product Sales from the list displayed beneath the group folder and click Filters on the toolbar.

    The Filters Selection window opens.

  4. Expand the Choose a Product and Choose a Region filter groups as shown in the following image.

  5. Select the Gifts filter from the Choose a Product filter group and click Add to apply it to your report as shown in the following image.

    Notice that the Gifts filter is added to the filter criteria box.

  6. Select the West filter from the Choose a Region filter group and click Add to apply it to your report.

    Notice that WebFOCUS displays the criterion you selected as "Gifts And any of the following: West" in the filtering criteria box as shown in the following image.

  7. Click OK to return to the Standard Reports tab.
  8. To run Regional Product Sales, select the report and click Run.
  9. Close the browser window to return to the Standard Reports tab.