WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Searching a Domain

Searching a Domain

How to:

As repositories increase in size, it can become difficult to quickly locate a specific item within a domain. WebFOCUS includes a search engine that can scan different components of a domain to locate particular items.

The Managed Reporting search engine allows you to search Managed Reporting for all instances of any character string within a chosen domain. A search string can consist of several words, a single word, part of a word, or any other combination of characters.

By default, searches are not case sensitive, but you can select a Match Case option to execute a case-sensitive search. Search results include instances of the search string within item descriptions at all levels of the Managed Reporting tree, which includes the domain name, groups, subgroups, report names, and Reporting Objects.

By default, the search engine looks for instances of the search string that occur at the same or lower level of a selected object. If you select a group folder, search results include instances of the search string only within that group, not within the entire domain.

In the Domains view, search results apply only to a selected tab. For example, searches executed from within a domain in My Reports do not include results for that domain in Standard Reports. The search engine is available in the Standard Reports, My Reports (including Custom Reports folder), and Reporting Objects tabs, but not in the Shared Reports tab.

Note: The WebFOCUS search engine is also available in the Domain Builder.

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Procedure: How to Locate an Item Using the Search Engine
  1. Access Managed Reporting.
  2. Select the domain you want to search.
  3. From the Domains view, select the Standard Reports, My Reports, or Reporting Objects tab, and select an item in the tab (including Custom Reports which have their own folder under My Reports).
  4. To access the Search dialog box, from the Domains view, click Search.

    The Search Within Component (where Component is the description you selected) dialog box opens as shown in the following image.

  5. Enter a search string, which can include any combination of words or characters. Select the Match Case check box if you want the search to be case sensitive.
  6. Click Find.

    The Number Found counter in the Search dialog box displays the search results. The first instance of the string appears highlighted in the Managed Reporting tree.

  7. Click Next to find the next instance of the search string.


    Click Previous to move to the previous instance of the search string.

    The Remaining counter changes to indicate how many items are left in the search. (If only one item is found, Next and Previous are disabled, and the Remaining counter reads 0.)

  8. To start a new search, select the item you want to search within and click New Search.
  9. To close the Search dialog box, click Cancel.