WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Execution of a Custom Report Using -INCLUDE

Execution of a Custom Report Using -INCLUDE

How to:


You can insert a procedure within another procedure using the -INCLUDE command.

When you name a Custom Report, Managed Reporting creates the file name in the format of username:userfolder/fexname, which tells Managed Reporting where to find the file. The file name appears in the Properties dialog box and is the value to specify when you reference a Custom Report with -INCLUDE. Note that there are file naming rules that replace most non-alphanumeric characters and modify the file name when necessary. For more information, see Repository File Name Processing in the Additional Administration Topics chapter of the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual.

Note: Only Analytical Users (that have been granted Advanced capability), Administrators, and Developers (who have the Advanced capability by default), can create Custom Reports.

The following image shows the Properties dialog box for a Custom Report with a file name of admin:admin/custom3.fex.

Shared Custom Reports are named in the format of the shared user's name:shared user's folder/shared procedure name.

The following image shows the Properties dialog box for a Shared Custom Report with a file name of admin:admin/custom2.fex.

The following image shows the Properties dialog box for the Standard Report, graph.fex.

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Syntax: How to Incorporate a Custom Report or My Report With -INCLUDE
-INCLUDE :filename



Is the name of a Custom Report or My Report. For example,


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Syntax: How to Incorporate a Shared Report With -INCLUDE
-INCLUDE username:userfolder/filename



Is the user's name who has access to the report, the folder where the report resides, and the name of the report. For example,


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Syntax: How to Incorporate a Standard Report With -INCLUDE
-INCLUDE [domain/]app/filename



Is the domain where the Standard Report resides. This value is only required if the Standard Report resides in a different domain.


Is the file name of the Standard Report, including the extension. This value is prefaced by app/, for example,


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Example: Incorporating a Custom Report Within Another Custom Report Using -INCLUDE

The following is an example of incorporating a custom report within another custom report using -INCLUDE.

  1. Log on to Managed Reporting.
  2. Click the Domains tab on the blue toolbar.
  3. Select the domain you want to work with in the left frame.
  4. Select MyReports in the right frame.
  5. Under MyReports, select the Custom Reports folder.
  6. Enter the following to create a new Custom Report using the Editor:
    -INCLUDE :filename



    Is the name of a Custom Report you have previously created.

  7. Run the request.

    The output of the request displays two tabular reports.

  8. Save the new report and exit the Editor.
  9. Right-click the file and select Run.

    The output of the request displays the same two tabular reports.

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Example: Including a Server Procedure Within a Custom Report Using -MRNOEDIT and -INCLUDE

The following is an example of incorporating a server procedure within a Custom Report using -MRNOEDIT and -INCLUDE.

  1. Log on to Managed Reporting.
  2. Click the Domains tab on the blue toolbar.
  3. Select the domain you want to work with in the left frame.
  4. Select MyReports in the right frame.
  5. Under MyReports, select the Custom Reports folder.
  6. Enter the following to create a new Custom Report using the Editor:
    -MRNOEDIT -INCLUDE :filename



    Is the name of a procedure located on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

  7. Run the request.

    The output of the request displays two tabular reports, one from the Custom Report and one from the server procedure.

  8. Save the new report and exit the Editor.
  9. Right-click the file and select Run.

    The output of the request displays the same two tabular reports, which are shown in the following image.

For more information on -MRNOEDIT, see the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Developer's Manual.

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Reference: Considerations When Using -INCLUDE With ReportCaster

ReportCaster does not support the scheduling of procedures that return multiple reports. ReportCaster can only accept a single answer set.

You cannot use procedures with -INCLUDE syntax. However, you can use StyleSheet (.sty), Cascading StyleSheet (.css), or GIF (.gif) files with -INCLUDE in a procedure that will be scheduled using ReportCaster. For example, the following procedure will return a report displaying the GIF image (cars.gif) issued with the -INCLUDE parameter:

-INCLUDE :cars.gif

Note: If you need multiple reports within a single document, Information Builders recommends using the Compound Report feature.