WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Java Applet Managed Reporting > Creating Procedures With the Text Editor

Creating Procedures With the Text Editor

In this section:

WebFOCUS provides a text editor that you can use to create, view, edit, and run the source code for procedures and HTML files required by your applications. The text editor enables you to use familiar Windows editing techniques, such as cut, copy, and paste. You can also find and replace text and specify case. Changes you make to source code in the text editor are immediately reflected in the graphical tools.

This chapter contains information about the capabilities of the text editor when working in the applet. For details about using the text editor in Developer Studio, refer to Editing Application Components as Text in Developer Studio in the Developing Reporting Applications With Graphical Tools manual.

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Text Editor

The text editor facility includes:

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Reference: File Menu

The File menu options are:

  • Run. Select to run your report and view the output.
  • Save. Select to save your report.
  • Save As. Select to save your report with a new filename that you choose.
  • Exit. Select to exit the text editor.

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Reference: Edit Menu

The Edit menu options are:

If you select the Ignore Case check box, the text editor will find your text string regardless of case. If you do not select the Ignore Case check box, you must enter your text string using the exact case that you want to find. You can search and replace forward and backward using the Next and Previous buttons respectively.

You can include special characters in your search and replace criteria, for example, paragraph marks and symbols. You can also search for text using the wildcard characters "*" (matches any number of characters specified with the "*") and "?" (matches any single character specified with the "?").

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Reference: Help Menu

The Help menu contains the About Editor option. Selecting this option opens the help file containing information about the text editor.