WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email

Using Two-Way Email

In this section:

Two-Way Email enables mobile business professionals to request and receive WebFOCUS reports through e-mail, using a handheld device, laptop, or desktop. From any location, at any time, users have access to their company's enterprise data.

To request a report, a user simply replies to and sends an e-mail that contains a Two-Way Email template. A template is the means by which a request is made and parameter values are supplied if required. A Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer creates and maintains templates for a user.

This topic explains the steps a user performs to enable the Two-Way Email capability. It also describes how a template looks, and how to use one to request a report. Finally, it addresses alert response for those sites that have licensed and installed both ReportCaster and Two-Way Email.