WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email > Two-Way Email User Steps

Two-Way Email User Steps

As a user, perform the following steps to enable Two-Way Email:

  1. Subscribe to Two-Way Email by accessing and supplying information on an HTML subscription page. For more information, see Subscribing for the First Time.

    You can also ask your Managed Reporting Administrator to subscribe you from the Two-Way Email Administrator console.

  2. Reply to the confirmation message sent by Two-Way Email. This message acknowledges your subscription request and validates your Reply-To e-mail address. For more information, see Replying to the Confirmation Message.
  3. Receive and store your Two-Way Email templates in your inbox, or in a folder on your e-mail program. The Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer creates these templates for your use. Each template is associated with a Managed Reporting Standard Report of interest to you. For more information, see Receiving Your Templates for the First Time.
  4. Request a report simply by selecting, replying to, and sending a template. For more information, see Requesting a Report.
  5. Update your subscription information if it changes. For more information, see Updating Your Subscription Information.