WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email > Updating Your Subscription Information

Updating Your Subscription Information

How to:

Use the subscription update page to perform the following:

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Procedure: How to Access the Subscription Update Page
  1. From your browser, access the subscription page by entering the Web address that applies to your site. For example,



    Is the host name and optional port number (specified only if you ar not using the default port number) of the Application Server where the ReportCaster Web application is deployed.


    Is the site-customized context root for the ReportCaster Web application deployed on your Application Server. The default value is rcaster.

  2. Enter your Managed Reporting user ID and password as assigned by the Managed Reporting Administrator.
  3. Click Updating a current Two-Way Email subscription, as shown on the following image.

  4. Click Continue. As shown on the following image, the next window allows you to perform update tasks, as described in the procedures that follow.

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Procedure: How to Add a New E-mail Address
  1. In the Email address field, type the new address.
  2. Click Add. As shown in the following image, it confirms the email address was added.

  3. Click Continue to return to the subscription update page to perform other tasks or review what you have done. Close the window when you are finished.

    Two-Way Email sends a confirmation message to the new e-mail address. After you reply to the message, the address is activated, and Two-Way Email sends the templates you are authorized to use.

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Procedure: How to Delete an Existing E-mail Address
  1. In the list of current addresses, select the one you want to remove, as shown in the following image.

  2. Click Delete. You are asked if you are sure you want to delete the address as shown on the following image.

  3. Click OK to remove the address from the database.

    Click Cancel to discontinue the procedure and return to the previous window.

  4. If you attempt to delete the only e-mail address associated with your subscription, the entire subscription (user account) will be cancelled. You are asked if you are sure you want to proceed with that action.

    Click OK to delete your subscription, or click Cancel to discontinue the procedure. If you click OK, Two-Way Email informs you that you are not in its user database as shown on the following image.

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Procedure: How to Refresh Your Templates
  1. From the list of current addresses, select the address to which you want to send the templates.
  2. Click Refresh. A message informs you that fresh copies of your templates will be sent to the address specified.

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Procedure: How to Update Your Security Credentials
  1. Enter your new WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID and password in the appropriate fields.
  2. Click Update. A message informs you that your user ID and password have been updated.