WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email > Replying to the Confirmation Message

Replying to the Confirmation Message

How to:

After receiving your subscription request and validating your security credentials, Two-Way Email sends you a confirmation message through e-mail, acknowledging your request and confirming that it has your correct e-mail address.

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Procedure: How to Reply to the Confirmation Message
  1. Check your mailbox for a message from Two-Way Email. Open the confirmation message when it arrives. A window similar to the following opens:

  2. As prompted, reply to the e-mail. Type your Managed Reporting user ID on the first line of the reply.

    If your device or program has an option to include the body of the e-mail (for example, Reply with Text or Include Original Text), select it. This option ensures that the content of the template is included in the reply. Two-Way Email requires the content to correctly process the reply.

  3. Click Send to send your reply to Two-Way Email.