WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email > Responding to an Alert

Responding to an Alert

Two-Way Email alert response is available only at sites that have licensed and installed both ReportCaster and Two-Way Email. For more information on ReportCaster Alerts, see the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual.

A Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer can attach a Two-Way Email template to a ReportCaster Alert. As a user, you are alerted when certain predefined data conditions are met. You can use the attached Two-Way Email template to respond to the alert to request a report for more detail.

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Example: Responding to an Alert

A Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer can create the sample alert and template for you, as described in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual.

You are alerted when the total dollar sales for coffee for store code R1019 exceed $1,000,000. The alert takes the form of a report showing the exact amount of dollar sales.

Attached to the report is a template, prompting you for another store code of interest, for comparison purposes. You will respond to the alert by supplying a store code value and sending the template. Your response generates a second report, showing the dollar sales for coffee for the supplied store code. You can then compare the two reports.

  1. Periodically check your inbox for an alert from Two-Way Email, named Coffee Sales Alert. When it is delivered, open it and view the report. A template will be attached:
    PAGE    1
    Category     Store ID   Dollar Sales
    --------     --------   ------------
    Coffee       R1019           1393610
    Enter a store code on line 1 of your reply.
    Valid store codes are R1088, R1109, R1250.
  2. Notice that the template prompts you for a store code.
  3. Click Reply.

    If your device or program has an option to include the body of the e-mail (for example, Reply with Text or Include Original Text), select it. This option ensures that the content of the template is included in the reply. Two-Way Email requires the content to correctly process the reply.

  4. Enter the store code you are interested in.
  5. Click Send.

    Two-Way Email sends the comparison report to you. For example, if you requested information on store code R1088, you receive the following:

    PAGE    1
    Category     Store ID   Dollar Sales
    --------     --------   ------------
    Coffee       R1088           1375040