WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email > Subscribing for the First Time

Subscribing for the First Time

How to:

Two-Way Email provides a subscription page accessed from a Web browser. You can display the subscription page on your desktop, laptop, or any handheld device that supports the Web.

Use the subscription page to independently subscribe to Two-Way Email for the first time.

On the subscription page, you must supply a valid Managed Reporting user ID and password. You must also supply a WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID and password, unless they are stored for you on the server. If you do not know the required security information, ask your Managed Reporting Administrator for it.

After you subscribe, you receive a confirmation message through e-mail. After you reply to it, Two-Way Email sends you all the templates you are authorized to use.

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Procedure: How to Subscribe for the First Time
  1. Your site has a Web address for the Two-Way Email subscription page. Ask your Managed Reporting Administrator for the address if you do not know it.

    From your browser, access the subscription page by entering the Web address. For example,




    Is the host name and optional port number (specified only if you are not using the default port number) of the Application Server where the ReportCaster Web application is deployed.


    Is the site-customized context root for the ReportCaster Web application deployed on your Application Server. The default value is rcaster.

  2. Enter your Managed Reporting user ID and password as assigned by the Managed Reporting Administrator.

    Click Subscribing to Two-Way Email for the first time, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click Continue.

    A window similar to the following image opens.

  4. If applicable at your site, select Default to use the WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID and password stored for you on that server. Otherwise, enter your security credentials for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
  5. Enter your e-mail address. Two-Way Email will use this address to send you Two-Way Email templates and WebFOCUS reports when you request them. The syntax is:



    Is your e-mail user name.


    Is the domain name.

    Note: You must include the character @.

  6. Click Add me to add your new subscription.

    A message informs you that Two-Way Email added your address to the database as shown in the following image:

  7. You have the opportunity to add another e-mail address to your subscription information, or to view the information already supplied. To do so, click Continue.

    Close the Two-Way Email window when you are done.