WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Two-Way Email > Requesting a Report

Requesting a Report

In this section:

How to:

After you receive and store your templates, you can request a WebFOCUS report. A template is the means by which you request a report and supply parameter values if required.

A Two-Way Email template contains information about the associated report. It may also prompt you for one or more parameter values that define the scope of the report. If a template prompts you for a value, you must supply one; otherwise, the report will not run.

A report template may request an update to a data source rather than a report.

The following is a sample template requesting a report:

Enter a product category on line 1 of your reply.
Valid product categories are Coffee, Food, Gifts.

The tags <TWOWAY> and </TWOWAY> delimit an encrypted Extensible Markup Language (XML) stream describing the report, including its associated domain. Two-Way Email needs this information to retrieve the report code from the Managed Reporting Repository and route it to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server for execution.

The prompt at the top of the sample template instructs you to supply a parameter value on line 1 of your reply. In this case, you must enter the name of a product category that exists in the data source, such as Coffee, Food, or Gifts. If you enter Coffee, the report will contain only data that applies to that category.

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Procedure: How to Request a Report
  1. Double-click the e-mail containing the template for the desired report.

    The subject of the e-mail typically identifies or describes the report.

  2. Click Reply.

    If your device or program has an option to include the body of the e-mail (for example, Reply with Text or Include Original Text), select it. This option ensures that the content of the template is included in the reply. Two-Way Email requires the content to correctly process the reply.

  3. If the report requires a parameter value, type it on the first line of the reply. Type multiple values on successive lines, each on a line by itself.

    To accept the default value of a parameter, type a period (.) on the applicable line in your reply. This action ensures that Two-Way Email will read the value properly.

    The e-mail may indicate valid values from which you can choose. If it does not, and you are not sure how to respond, ask your Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer.

  4. Click Send.

    Two-Way Email will return the requested report to you.

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Examples of Requesting a Report and Accepting the Default Value of a Parameter

The following are examples of requesting a report and accepting the default value of a parameter.

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Example: Requesting a Report With a Parameter

Suppose you want a report that shows the number of units sold, and the total dollar amount of sales, for a particular product category. The report is associated with a Two-Way Email template called Sales Report for User-supplied Category : TW. It requires a parameter value for the product category of interest.

A Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer can create the Standard Report and template for you, as described in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual.

  1. Double-click the e-mail called Sales Report for User-supplied Category : TW.
  2. The template prompts you for the product category and shows the possible values:
    Enter a product category on line 1 of your reply.
    Valid product categories are Coffee, Food, Gifts.
  3. Click Reply.

    If your device or program has an option to include the body of the e-mail (for example, Reply with Text or Include Original Text), select it. This option ensures that the content of the template is included in the reply. Two-Way Email requires the content to correctly process the reply.

  4. Enter Food on line 1 as the parameter value.
  5. Click Send. Two-Way Email sends the report to you:
    PAGE    1
    Category     Unit Sales   Dollar Sales
    --------     ----------   ------------
    Food            1384845       17229333

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Example: Accepting the Default Value of a Parameter

Suppose you want a report that shows the number of units budgeted, and the number of units sold, for a particular product category and store code. The report is associated with a Two-Way Email template called Budgeted Units by Category and Store Code : TW.

For the product category, you can supply a value or accept the default. For the store code, you must accept the value provided by the Administrator.

A Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer can create the Standard Report and template for you, as described in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual.

  1. Double-click the e-mail called Budgeted Units by Category and Store Code : TW.
  2. The template prompts you as follows:
    Enter a product category on line 1 of your reply.
    Valid product categories are Coffee, Food, Gifts.
    You can accept the default, which is Gifts.
    To accept the default, enter a period (.) on line 1 of your reply.

    It also informs you that the only allowed store code value is R1019.

  3. Click Reply.

    If your device or program has an option to include the body of the e-mail (for example, Reply with Text or Include Original Text), select it. This option ensures that the content of the template is included in the reply. Two-Way Email requires the content to correctly process the reply.

  4. You want to accept the default, Gifts. As instructed, enter a period on line 1 of your reply.
  5. Click Send.

    Two-Way Email sends the report to you:

    PAGE    1
    Category   Store ID  Budget Units  Unit Sales
    --------   --------  ------------  ----------
    Gifts      R1019            79552       78869