WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Managing Dashboard > Hiding Report Types in the Domain Tree

Hiding Report Types in the Domain Tree

In this section:

How to:

You can customize the Domain Tree to display or hide any or all of the available report and file types (Standard Reports, Shared Reports, My Reports, Reporting Objects, and Other Files) for specific role types in all views. If you do not want to hide report and file types for all users of an existing role type, you can create a new role for specific users. Note that if you choose to hide My Reports from displaying in the Domain Tree, users will not have the option to save parameter reports since parameter reports are a type of My Report.

Note: You can also hide report and file types in the Domain Tree of specific views using the Edit Settings functionality available in the Dashboard View Builder. For more information, see Customizing Dashboard Pages for a Public or Group View.

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Procedure: How to Hide Report Types in the Domain Tree in All Views
  1. In the WebFOCUS76\worp\conf directory, open the bid-config.xml file in a text editor.
  2. Find the following lines to hide Standard Reports, Shared Reports, Reporting Objects, My Reports, and Other Files:
    <internal-var name="hideStandardReportsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideSharedReportsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideReportingObjectsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideMyReportsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideOtherFilesFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
  3. To hide report types in the Domain Tree, add one or more role types to the value variable.

    For example, to show only Standard Reports for any user ID set to the "#User" role type, enter the following:

    <internal-var name="hideSharedReportsFromTheseRoles" value="#User"/>
    <internal-var name="hideReportingObjectsFromTheseRoles" value="#User"/>
    <internal-var name="hideMyReportsFromTheseRoles" value="#User"/>
    <internal-var name="hideOtherFilesFromTheseRoles" value="#User"/>


  4. Save and close the file.

After making changes to the bid-config.xml file, use the WebFOCUS Console to clear memory cache. Until this is done, the change is not effective.

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Hiding Report Types in the Domain Tree for All Role Types

In Dashboard, you can customize the Domain Tree to display or hide any or all of the available report and file types (Standard Reports, Shared Reports, My Reports, Reporting Objects, and Other Files) for all users of all role types by using the “ALL-ROLES” value in the existing bid-config.xml file, as shown in the following procedure.

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Procedure: How to Hide Report Types in the Domain Tree for All Role Types
  1. In the WebFOCUS76\worp\conf directory, open the bid-config.xml file in a text editor.
  2. Find the following lines to hide Standard Reports, Shared Reports, Reporting Objects, My Reports, and Other Files, and substitute “ALL-ROLES” for the value variable for the report or file types you want to hide:
    <internal-var name="hideStandardReportsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideSharedReportsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideReportingObjectsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideMyReportsFromTheseRoles" value=""/>
    <internal-var name="hideOtherFilesFromTheseRoles" value=""/>

    For example, to hide My Reports for all users of all role types, use the following:

    <internal-var name="hideMyReportsFromTheseRoles" value="ALL-ROLES"/>
  3. Save and close the file.

After making changes to the bid-config.xml file, use the WebFOCUS Console to clear memory cache. Until this is done, the change is not effective.