WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Creating Domains, Groups, Roles, and Users > Creating Roles

Creating Roles

In this section:

WebFOCUS Managed Reporting supports roles, making it easier to administer large numbers of users. A role is a collection of user privileges and each user has one role. Users inherit the privileges that are associated with their role; in addition, they can also be assigned other privileges as necessary. Roles are created and maintained by a Managed Reporting Administrator. Roles can be assigned to users by MR Administrators and MR Group Administrators.

There are several base roles (User, Analytical User, Developer, and MR Administrator) and custom roles (Run Only User, Power User, and Content Manager) provided with Managed Reporting. Custom roles extend base roles and provide flexibility by allowing the administrator to add or remove certain privileges. You can create custom roles of your own as well as customize the provided base and custom roles.


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User Roles Defined

Each user role has a set of default and optional privileges. The following table provides a description of each role along with a list of associated privileges.

Role Description


Users with the User role can run Standard Reports (in immediate and deferred mode) and can run shared My Reports created by other users.

Default Privileges: none

Optional Privileges: Enable accessibility features (Section 508), Save entered values, Library

The Save My Reports, Share My Reports, Advanced, Data Server, ReportCaster Administrator, and Schedule privileges are not available for the User role.

The Library Only User role provides the ability to create Dashboard users who can only access content stored in the Report Library. This content can be viewed in the Report Library and in a Dashboard page when displayed as a list, launch, or output block. Library Only Users cannot run reports, view the Domain Tree, view the Role Tree, access other WebFOCUS environments, and have limited access to Dashboard components.

Default privileges: Library

Optional privileges: Enable accessibility features (Section 508)

The Save My Reports, Share My Reports, Advanced, Data Server, ReportCaster Administrator, and Schedule privileges are not available for the Library Only User role.

The Run Only User role is based on the Analytical User role. The Run Only User role can do everything a user with the User role can do. In addition, this user can access the Assistant tools and create My Reports. The Run Only User cannot save My Reports.

Default privileges: none

Optional privileges: Enable accessibility features (Section 508), Save entered values, Library

The Save My Reports, Share My Reports, Advanced, Data Server, ReportCaster Administrator, and Schedule privileges are not available for the Run Only User role.

The Analytical User role can do everything a user with the Run Only User role can do. In addition, the user can save My Reports from the Assistant tools. If granted, the user can also share My Reports and create Custom Reports. The user can also save deferred output from the Deferred Status interface.

Default privileges: Save My Reports

Optional privileges: Share My Reports, Advanced, Enable accessibility features (Section 508), Save entered values, Schedule, Library

The ReportCaster Administrator and Data Server privileges are not available for the Analytical User role.

The Power User role is based on the Analytical User role. The Power User role is another example of how you can customize roles. It extends the Analytical User role with the Advanced and Share My Report privileges.

Default privileges: Save My Reports, Share My Reports, Advanced

Optional privileges: Enable accessibility features (Section 508), Save entered values, Schedule, Library

The Data Server and ReportCaster Administrator privileges are not available for the Power User role.

The Developer role can do everything an Analytical User can do. In addition, they have access to the Domain Builder where they can create Standard Reports and Reporting Objects for those domains to which they have access. By default, users who have the Developer role do not have access to the Data Servers feature unless it is granted to them explicitly or the Developer role is changed to have Data Server selected.

Default privileges: Save My Reports

Optional privileges: Share My Reports, Advanced, Enable accessibility features (Section 508), Data Server, Save entered values, Schedule, Library

The ReportCaster Administrator privilege is not available for the Developer role.

The Content Manager role is based on the Developer role. The Content Manager role is an example of a customized role. It extends the Developer role with the Data Server, Advanced, and Share My Report privileges.

Default privileges: Save My Reports, Share My Reports, Advanced, Data Server

Optional privileges: Enable accessibility features (Section 508), Save entered values, Schedule, Library

The ReportCaster Administrator privilege is not available for the Content Manager role.

The MR (Managed Reporting) Administrator role has unrestricted access to Managed Reporting.

If a user with the MR Administrator role but without the ReportCaster Administrator privilege creates other MR Administrators, the ReportCaster Administrator privilege will not be available to grant to the user.

When the ReportCaster Administrator privilege is assigned, the Schedule and Report Library privileges are automatically assigned and the Schedule privilege cannot be unassigned.

Default privileges: Save My Reports, Advanced, Data Server

Optional privileges: Share My Reports, Save entered values, ReportCaster Administrator, Schedule, Library, Enable accessibility features (Section 508)

Note: The Enable accessibility features (Section 508) optional privilege is available beginning in Version 7 Release 6.5.

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Reference: User Role Matrix

The following table lists each user role and its corresponding default and optional privileges. The role abbreviations below are used in the table:

  • LO = Library Only User
  • US = User
  • RO = Run Only User
  • AU = Analytical User
  • PU = Power User
  • DV = Developer
  • CM = Content Manager
  • MA = Managed Reporting Administrator

User Roles









Privileges (O=Optional; D=Default; F=Fixed )

Enable accessibility (Section 508)


















Data Server









Save Entered Values (My Reports)









Save Reports (My Reports)









Share Reports (My Reports)









Schedule (ReportCaster)









Library (ReportCaster)









Administrator (ReportCaster)









Note: Optional privileges are turned off initially, but can be turned on. Default privileges are turned on initially, but can be turned off. Fixed privileges are turned on and can not be turned off. Also, the Enable accessibility features (Section 508) optional privilege for the Managed Reporting Administrator role is available beginning in Version 7 Release 6.5.

The following table lists the Managed Reporting functional capabilities that are provided with the default privileges for each user role.

User Roles









Functional Capabilities *

Limited dashboard component access









Only access Report Library content









Run other users' shared My Reports









Run Standard Reports (immediate)









Run Standard Reports (deferred)









Access Assistant tools (see Note)









Advanced Graph Assistant









Save My Reports from Assistant tools









Save deferred output









Create Standard Reports & Reporting Objects









Create Managed Reporting Users









Manage and promote User’s My Reports to Standard Reports









Note: Assistant tools refers to the HTML Report Assistant, HTML Graph Assistant, and Power Painter tools. The Power Painter license code must be specified in the WebFOCUS Client configuration to make Power Painter accessible to users.

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Reference: Role Inheritance

Inheritance between the base role and any new roles you create only occurs at the time you create the role. If the base role is modified, changes will not be reflected in any roles you created based on this role.

For example, you want to create a new role based on the Analytical User role. The Analytical User role is a base role that is included with WebFOCUS Managed Reporting and has the Save My Reports privilege by default. When you create your new role, named NewRole, it inherits the Save My Reports privilege from the Analytical User base role. You can then customize the NewRole and add any available privileges.

If the Analytical User base role is modified after you create your NewRole, this does not effect your NewRole since inheritance between roles only occurs at the time you create the role.

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User Privileges Defined

Privileges effect Managed Reporting and ReportCaster user interface behavior. Generally speaking, having a privilege means you can use the corresponding product feature. One exception is the 'inactive' privilege, which means you are denied logon rights to Managed Reporting. Privileges are associated with Roles. An MR Administrator or Group Administrator can also assign privileges to users directly, though there are some limitations.

Note: When ReportCaster is not installed, the ReportCaster Schedule, Library, and Administrator privileges are not available.

The following is a table that lists the privileges and a description of each privilege.




Enable accessibility features (Section 508)

Specifies that a user can utilize Section 508 compliant online help, user interfaces, and tools.


Only users who are assigned the Advanced privilege, regardless of their role, are enabled to:

  • Create and edit Custom Reports, which appear in their own folder under the My Reports tab in the Domains environment. Unlike other My Reports, Custom Reports are not built from Reporting Objects. Users build these reports with tools including the text editor, Power Painter, Report Assistant, and Graph Assistant. Note that only users who are assigned the Advanced privilege can create Custom Reports.
  • View all data sources in the domain path when creating dynamic parameters using the Variable Editor. Without the Advanced privilege, users can only view data sources used in the Reporting Objects.

Data Server

Specifies whether a user can access the Domain Builder Data Servers component. Also controls whether or not the server and application path properties on a domain, report, or Reporting Object can be modified by the user.

My Reports

Save Entered Values

Enables users to save their selected parameter values as a My Report. When a user runs the My Report, a launch page opens with their parameter values already selected and they can then run the report.

Save Reports

Enables the user to create and save My Reports. The Advanced privilege is also needed to create My Reports that are Custom Reports.

Share Reports

Is required for a user to share a My Report or Custom Report with other users who have access to the same domain. Once a user shares a My Report or a Custom Report, other users can run the report and copy the report into their own My Reports tab if they have the Save My Reports privilege. The Share My Reports privilege does not have to be active for a user to run or copy reports that have been shared by others.



Designates the user as a ReportCaster Administrator.


Allows a user to schedule procedures using ReportCaster. This capability is available only when ReportCaster is installed.


Allows a user to access the Report Library, which is a ReportCaster storage and retrieval facility. This capability is available only when ReportCaster is installed and configured with the RDBMS repository option.

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Procedure: How to Create a New Role
  1. In the Managed Reporting Administration interface, click Roles.
  2. Click the New icon.

    The New Role dialog box opens in the right pane.

  3. Type the Role Name.
  4. Select the Base Role.

    This is the role for which the new role is based. For details on what privileges come with each role, see User Roles Defined.

  5. Select the Privileges. For details on privileges, see User Privileges Defined.
  6. Click Save.

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Procedure: How to Customize an Existing Role
  1. In the Managed Reporting Administration interface, click Roles.
  2. Click the Edit icon.

    The Selected Role - rolename dialog box opens in the right pane.

  3. Make any necessary modifications and click Save.