WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Power Painter > Using Power Painter Objects

Using Power Painter Objects

How to:


The available objects in Power Painter are Report, Graph, Image, Text, and Line. You can select these objects from the Toolbox palette or use the Insert menu on the main toolbar. Each object is associated with corresponding properties that you can set using the properties palette for the selected object.

The following image shows the Toolbox palette displaying the Report, Graph, Image, Text, and Line object buttons.

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Procedure: How to Insert a Report Object in Power Painter
  1. Double-click a field in the Data Sources palette and (by default) a report object is automatically inserted in the canvas.
  2. Make sure the desired report object is selected in the canvas.

    The selected object appears with black squares around the perimeter of the object, as shown in the following image.

  3. To automatically add fields to the selected report object, double-click a field in the Data Sources palette.

    Numeric fields, such as decimal and floating point, are automatically added to the Sum folder. Non-numeric fields, such as alphanumeric and date fields, are automatically added to the By folder.

  4. To manually add fields to the selected report object, select a field in the Data Sources palette and drag it to the Query button, which is located above the top left corner of the selected report object.

    The Query pop-up dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    Continue to drag the field and drop it on the Sum, By, Across, or Coordinated folder.

    Note: By and Across folders are for sorting, Sum folders are for aggregating and displaying, and Coordinated folders contain a common sort field for creating multiple reports and graphs that are burst into separate page layouts. Each value for a coordinated sort field displays on a separate page.

  5. To edit or delete fields in a report, select the desired report object in the canvas, then open the Query pop-up dialog box or Query palette.
    • To open the Query pop-up dialog box, click the Query button above the selected report object (or right-click the report object and select Query from the context menu).
    • To open the Query palette, from the View menu, select Palettes, then select Query from the Palettes submenu.

    The By, Sum, Across, and Coordinated folders appear with the selected fields in the report. You can drag and drop fields into different folders, delete fields, add and edit compute fields, and view report properties for a selected field. You can also select Print to display all of the values found in the data source for a selected field, or select Sum to sum the values of a selected numeric field.

  6. To customize the properties of a field in the report, select the desired field in the Query pop-up dialog box or Query palette, then modify the properties in the Field properties palette, as shown in the following image.

    For details, see Field Properties.

  7. To customize the properties of the entire report, select the desired report object and modify the properties for the report in the Report properties palette. For details, see Report Properties.
  8. Select Save from the File menu to save the report.

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Reference: Report Properties

When a report object is selected, the following properties are available from the Report properties palette.

Position: Top

Indicates the starting position for the top edge of the report. You can type in a different value to change the position or manually drag the report on the canvas.

Position: Left

Indicates the starting position for the left edge of the report. You can type in a different value to change the position or manually drag the report on the canvas.


Indicates the height of the report object. You can type in a different value to change the height or manually drag the report object on the canvas.


Indicates the width of the report object. You can type in a different value to change the width or manually drag the report object on the canvas.

Stylesheet: reference

Click the browse (...) button to select an external stylesheet. The report references the selected stylesheet which controls the global level styling of the report. You can choose from a predefined set of stylesheets, or a stylesheet from the Import directory.


Shows the default global font for the report.

Column title styling

Click the browse (...) button to open the font dialog box. Select the font, style, size, text, and background color for the column titles in the report.

Column data styling

Click the browse (...) button to open the font dialog box. Select the font, style, size, text, and multiple background colors for the data in the report.


Adds a heading to the report. Click the browse (...) button to open the Heading dialog box.

  • You can use the Headings toolbar to customize and modify the font, style, size, text color, background color, and so on.
  • You can use the Data Sources area to add fields from the Master File as your heading.

Adds a footing to the report. Click the browse (...) button to open the Footing dialog box.

  • You can use the Footings toolbar to customize and modify the font, style, size, text color, background color, and so on.
  • You can use the Data Sources area to add fields from the Master File as your footing.
Column totals

Shows columns totals in the report. No is selected by default. To show column totals, use the drop-down list to select Yes.

Row totals

Shows row totals in the report. No is selected by default. To show row totals, use the drop-down list to select Yes.

Display every sort value

Determines when all instances of a vertical sort (By) field are displayed in the report. No is selected by default to omit duplicates. To display every instance of a vertical sort field value, use the drop-down list to select Yes.

Sizing and Overflow

Determines the vertical sizing of the report by setting fixed or flowing overflow. For more information about sizing and overflow, see Setting Overflow Options in Power Painter.

Minimize Column Width

Shrinks the column width to fit the widest value in the report. Yes is selected by default. Select No from the drop-down list to expand all of the columns.

Record Limit

Limits the number of records used to retrieve data at run time.

Page numbering

Select On, Off, or No lead from the list box.

Currency symbol

Overrides the default currency symbol for the reporting server. Use the drop-down list to select from Default, USD, GBP, JPY, EUR, or $. You can also type a one-character custom symbol directly in the value column adjacent to the Currency symbol property.

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Reference: Right-click Report Properties

When you right-click a report object, the following options are available from the dialog box that appears:


Opens the query dialog box.

Size to Fit

Resizes the report as fields are added and deleted.


Deletes the report.


Displays the Report properties dialog box.

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Reference: Field Properties

When a report is selected, the following properties are available from the Field properties palette.

Note: The field properties available vary depending on the type of sort field selected.


Controls whether a field appears in the report graph, or is hidden. If Visible is set to No, the column is hidden, but is still used in calculations.


Enables you to enter a title for the field in the report graph.


Sorts the column data in ascending or descending order.

Applies aggregation and sorting to numeric columns in one pass of the data and is available for Sort by and Sort across fields. You must have an aggregating display field, such as Sum, in the report.
Page break

Starts a new page when the value of a selected sort field changes.


Enables you to display subtotals for numeric data whenever the value of the selected sort (By) field changes. By default, numeric field values are summed and displayed as subtotals. Additionally, you can display other summary values by applying prefix operators to numeric fields, including computed fields, by clicking the browse (...) button to open the Sub Total Options dialog box. For more information, see How to Display Subtotals and Other Summary Values Using Prefix Operators.


Includes a horizontal line across the width of a report after the value of the selected sort field changes.

Include missing instances

Displays missing instances of data for related fields in the report.

Drill down

Enables you to supply information to another report by using a hyperlink, procedure, or parameter.

Conditional Styling

Enables you to assign a conditional style to a report element. Conditional styling enables you to define conditions that determine when to apply particular fonts, text style, and so on. For more information about conditional styling, see How to Create Conditional Styling Rules.


Adds a subheading to the report at sort breaks. Click the browse (...) button to open the subheading dialog box.

  • You can use the subheadings toolbar to customize and modify the font, style, size, text color, background color, and so on.
  • You can use the Data Sources area to add fields from the Master File as your subheading.

Adds a subfooting to the report at sort breaks. Click the browse (...) button to open the subfooting dialog box.

  • You can use the Footings toolbar to customize and modify the font, style, size, text color, background color, and so on.
  • You can use the Data Sources area to add fields from the Master File as your footing.

Includes a column with a numeric rank for each row in a vertically sorted report.

Ranking limit

If specified, this value limits the number of ranked values to be retrieved.

Ranking title

Displays a default column title as RANK with the sort field. You can type in a unique title name for the ranked field.

Ranking title font

Click the browse (...) button to open the font dialog box. Select the font, style, and size for the ranking title.

Ranking data font

Click the browse (...) button to open the font dialog box. Select the font, style, and size for the ranking data.

Title font

Click the browse (...) button to open the font dialog box. Select the font, style, size, text and multiple background colors for the column title.

Data font

Click the browse (...) button to open the font dialog box. Select the font, style, size, text and multiple background colors for the data column.

Table of Contents

Enables you to generate a Table of Contents (TOC) page which shows a summary of the document's contents, along with page numbers, and can be printed with the document. The entries in the Table of Contents enable you to easily navigate to a particular section while viewing the document.

Note: The Table of Contents only appears as a field option if you are using a coordinated report.

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Procedure: How to Insert a Graph Object in Power Painter
  1. Select the Graph button from the Toolbox palette and drag it onto the canvas.


    Select Graph from the Insert menu.

    The New Chart dialog box appears.

  2. Select a chart type and click Finish.

    The graph appears on the canvas.

    Tip: To view the New Chart dialog box after the graph has been added to the canvas, select Show Chart Types from the right-click context menu of the graph.

  3. From the Data Sources palette, select a field and drag it to the graph object.

    When you drag a field into the graph, drop the field on the Y axis, X group axis, Coordinated, or other specialized field container in the Query pop-up dialog box that appears, as shown in the following image.

    You can also double-click a field to automatically add it to the graph. Numeric fields, such as decimal and floating point, are added to the Y axis (or other specialized) container. Non-numeric fields, such as alphanumeric and date fields, are added to the X group axis (or other specialized) container.

    Note: The Coordinated field container contains a common sort field for creating multiple reports and graphs that are burst into separate page layouts. Each value for a coordinated sort field displays on a separate page.

  4. To edit or delete fields in a graph, select the desired graph object in the canvas, then open the Query pop-up dialog box or Query palette.
    • To open the Query pop-up dialog box, click the Query button above the selected report object (or right-click the report object and select Query from the context menu).
    • To open the Query palette, from the View menu, select Palettes, then select Query from the Palettes submenu.

    The Y axis, X group axis, and Coordinated field containers appear with the selected fields in the graph. Note that some specialized graphs have other field containers. You can drag and drop fields into different containers, delete fields, add and edit compute fields, and view properties for a selected field from this dialog box. You can also select Print to display all of the values found in the data source for a selected field, or select Sum to sum the values of a selected numeric field.

  5. To customize the properties of a field in the graph, right-click the desired field in the Query pop-up dialog box or Query palette, select Properties, then modify the properties in the Field properties palette. For details, see Field Properties.
  6. To customize the properties of the entire graph, right-click the desired graph object, select Properties, and modify the properties in the Chart properties palette. For details, see Chart Properties.
  7. To further customize the chart titles, legends, axes, and other properties, from the View menu, select Palettes, then select Chart Editor from the Palettes submenu.
  8. Select Save from the File menu to save the graph.

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Reference: Chart Properties

For most chart types, when a graph object is selected, the following properties are available from the Chart properties palette. Note: Some chart types with unique properties, such as pie and three dimensional charts, have specialized properties not shown below.

Crosstab Mode

Select from Yes or No. Displays the Series-legend icon and enables secondary X-axis functionality.

Record limit

Type a number to edit the record limit value.


Indicates the starting position for the top edge of the graph. You can type in a different value to change the position or manually drag the graph on the canvas.


Indicates the starting position for the left edge of the graph. You can type in a different value to change the position or manually drag the graph on the canvas.


Indicates the height of the graph object. You can type in a different value to change the height or manually drag the graph object on the canvas.


Indicates the width of the graph object. You can type in a different value to change the width or manually drag the graph object on the canvas.

Apply template

Select from any of the available templates to apply a predefined color scheme to change the appearance of your chart.

Chart title

Type the desired title text.

Chart subtitle

Type the desired subtitle text.

Chart footnote

Type the desired footnote text.

Use 3D effect

Select from Yes or No to apply or not apply a three dimensional effect on the graph.

Legend position

Select the desired option for positioning the chart's legend.

Show data values

Select from Yes or No to display or not display data values on the graph.

X-axis Major grid

Select from Yes or No to display or not display X-axis major gridlines on the graph.

Y-axis Major grid

Select from Yes or No to display or not display Y-axis major gridlines on the graph.

Fit to Chart area

Select from Yes or No to turn auto placement on or off.

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Reference: Chart Editor Dialog Box

When the Chart Editor dialog box is open in Power Painter, properties are available for each object in the chart editor. The following image is an example of the Chart Editor and the Data labels properties palette in Power Painter.

For details about the chart editor and its object properties, see the Creating Graphs With Advanced Graph Assistant chapter in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Developer's Manual.

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Procedure: How to Insert a Text Object in Power Painter
  1. Select the Text button from the Toolbox palette and drag it onto the canvas.


    Select Text from the Insert menu.

    The Text Component dialog box appears on the canvas.

  2. Manually type text into the text box area to use the default font.
  3. Click the Font Properties button to open the Font dialog box.

    You can customize the font, style, size, and text color of the text.

  4. Click OK to close the Font dialog box.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The text is inserted into the canvas.

  6. You can select the text object to view or edit the properties for the text in the Text properties palette.
  7. Select Save from the File menu to save the text.

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Reference: Text Properties

When a text object is selected, the following properties are available from the Text properties palette.


Indicates the height of the text object. You can type in a different value to change the height or manually drag the text object on the canvas.

Position: Left

Indicates the starting position for the left edge of the text.

Position: Top

Indicates the starting position for the top edge of the text.


Indicates the width of the text object. You can type in a different value to change the width or manually drag the text object on the canvas.

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Procedure: How to Insert an Image Object in Power Painter
  1. Select the Image button from the Toolbox palette and drag it onto the canvas.


    Select Image from the Insert menu.

    The Open dialog box appears on the canvas.

  2. Select from the list of image files available.

    Note: The Reporting Server is the default location for all stored images.

    Images need to be copied to the appropriate directories by your administrator.

  3. Click OK to insert the image. The image is added to the canvas, and the size defaults to the size of the image.

  4. You can select the image object to view or edit the properties for the image in the Image properties palette.
  5. Select Save from the File menu to save the image.

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Reference: Right-click Image Properties

When you right-click an image, the following options are available from the dialog box that appears:

Reset to original size

Resets the image to the original size.


Deletes the image.


Opens the Image properties dialog box.

Note: Hover over an image to view the file name.

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Reference: Image Properties

When an image object is selected, the following properties are available from the Image properties palette.


Indicates the height of the image object. You can type in a different value to change the height or manually drag the image object on the canvas.

Position: Left

Indicates the starting position for the left edge of the image.

Position: Top

Indicates the starting position for the top edge of the image.


Indicates the width of the image object. You can type in a different value to change the width or manually drag the image object on the canvas.

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Procedure: How to Insert a Line Object in Power Painter
  1. Select the Line button from the Toolbox palette and drag it onto the canvas.


    Select Line from the Insert menu.

    The line object is added to the canvas as a positioned horizontal line.

    Note: To insert a vertical line, use the Line properties palette to change the orientation to vertical.

  2. You can select the line object to view or edit the properties for the line in the Line properties palette.
  3. Select Save from the File menu to save the line.

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Reference: Line Properties

When a line object is selected, the following properties are available from the Line properties palette.


Sets the color of the line. Click in the color value field to open the color dialog box.


Indicates the height of the line object. You can type in a different value to change the height or manually drag the line object on the canvas.


Indicates the horizontal or vertical orientation of the line on the canvas.

Position: Left

Indicates the starting position for the left edge of the line.


Sets the style of the line. Use the drop-down list to select from solid, dotted, dashed, and so on.


Sets the thickness of the line to light, medium, or heavy.


Indicates the width of the line object. You can type in a different value to change the width or manually drag the line object on the canvas.

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Procedure: How to Display Subtotals and Other Summary Values Using Prefix Operators

The Subtotal property in the Field properties palette enables you to display subtotals, and other summary values using prefix operators, for any or all of the numeric fields, including computed fields, in a report query. From the Field Properties dialog, when you click the browse (...) button to the right of the Subtotals property, the Sub Total Options dialog box opens.

  1. Select the Sub Totals option to replace the default setting of None.

    If you are using computed fields, select the Recomputed Sub Totals option instead.

  2. Numeric field values are summed and displayed as subtotals in the report by default. To display summary values other than the default subtotals, select prefix operators using the drop-down lists in the Prefix area that are adjacent to each of the selections in the Columns area. Note that the Sum prefix produces the same subtotal results as not selecting a prefix operator.

    All of the available prefix operators are listed and described in the following table.



    Displayed in Prefix List

    SUM.Compute the sum of valuesSum
    ASQ.Compute the average sum of squaresAverage Square
    AVE.Compute the average valueAverage
    CNT.Count the itemsCount
    FST.Select the first value onlyShow first in group
    LST.Select the last value onlyShow last in group
    MAX.Select the maximum value onlyMaximum
    MIN.Select the minimum value onlyMinimum
  3. To display all numeric field values as subtotals or other summary values in the report, select the Apply totals to all columns check box in the Columns area.
  4. To display subtotals or other summary values for a subset of the numeric fields in the report, make sure the Apply totals to all columns check box is de-selected, then select check boxes for the individual numeric fields in the Columns area of the Subtotal tab.

    When Apply totals to all columns is selected, options for all individual fields in the Columns area are inactive by default.

  5. To modify the default subtotal title, which is set to *TOTAL, type the desired text you want to display as the title for all subtotals and any other selected summary values in the Current Subtotal Text field.
  6. To hide subtotals for sort fields that have only a single value, select the Suppress for single lines check box.

The following image shows the Sub Total Options dialog box.