WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Dashboard > Creating Reports in Dashboard

Creating Reports in Dashboard

In this section:

How to:


You can create My Reports using Reporting Objects. You can also copy a Shared Report and save and modify it as your own My Report.

In addition, you can create new reports from scratch in the Custom Reports folder. Custom Reports enable you to create your own reports using one of the reporting tools or the text editor. Reporting tools include InfoAssist, Report Assistant, Graph Assistant, and Power Painter (if the user is assigned the Advanced privilege). Depending on which tool you use to create your report, you can edit your report using the same tool or the text editor. You can change the name of your Custom Report from the Properties window, and you can create new folders in the Custom Reports folder.

From Custom Reports, you can also upload (import) an external data file for use in one of the available reporting tools. For details, see Uploading Data Files.

You can insert a procedure within another procedure when creating a custom report. For details, see Execution of a Custom Report Using -INCLUDE.


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Procedure: How to Create or Delete a My Report in Dashboard
  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the Reporting Objects folder, then expand the desired subfolder.
  2. Right-click a Reporting Object and select InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant, or Graph Assistant.
  3. Create and save your report.

    The report is saved with the name you provide in a subfolder within the My Reports folder. The subfolder is named for the group folder where the selected Reporting Object is located.

    For details on using:

To delete a report or folder in My Reports, right-click the report or folder and select Delete from the menu.


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Procedure: How to Copy a Shared Report and Save it as a My Report

Copying a Shared Report and saving it as a My Report enables you to edit the report or graph without affecting the original. For details, see How to Copy a Shared Report.

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Procedure: How to Create a Custom Report in Dashboard
  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the My Reports folder.
  2. Right-click the Custom Reports folder and select one of the following:
    • InfoAssist to create a report or chart using InfoAssist.
    • Power Painter to create a report, graph, or page layout using Power Painter.
    • Report Assistant to create a report using the Report Assistant.
    • Graph Assistant to create a graph using the Graph Assistant.
    • Editor to create a report or graph using the Dashboard text editor.
    • New Folder to create a new folder in Custom Reports.

    If you have selected InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant, or Graph Assistant, you will be prompted to select a data source from which you want to report, then click OK to continue.

    The selected tool opens.

  3. Design and then save your Custom Report.

    For details on using:

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Procedure: How to Copy or Move a Custom Report in Dashboard
  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the My Reports folder, then expand the Custom Reports folder.
  2. Right-click the existing report that you want to copy or move.
  3. Perform one of the following:
    • To copy a report, select Copy.
    • To move a report, select Cut.
  4. Right-click a Custom Reports folder.
  5. Select Paste.

    If you copied a report to the same Custom Reports folder, the copied report has (Copy 1) appended to the original report name. If you make multiple copies of the report, each additional copy increments the numeric value listed after Copy.

    If you copied or moved a report to a different Custom Reports folder, the copied report uses the original report name. If the same report name already exists, a confirmation dialog box appears where you can select to overwrite the existing report or not.

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Procedure: How to Create or Delete New Custom Report Folders
  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the My Reports folder.
  2. Right-click Custom Reports and select New Folder.
  3. Enter a name for the new folder in the New Folder dialog box and click Save.
  4. The new folder appears in the Custom Reports folder.

To delete a folder in Custom Reports, right-click the folder and select Delete.

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Procedure: How to Edit a Custom Report

Edit only one report at a time when using InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant, or Graph Assistant.

  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the My Reports folder, then expand the Custom Reports folder.
  2. Right-click the desired Custom Report and select the tool you created the report with (InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant or Graph Assistant) or select Editor to edit the report code manually in the Dashboard text editor.

    For details on using:

  3. Edit the report as necessary and save any changes.
  4. To change the name of the custom report, click the report and select Properties.
  5. Edit the name in the Description text box.
  6. Click OK.

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Reference: Dashboard Text Editor

You can use the text editor to create, view, edit, and run the source code for Custom Reports in Dashboard. The text editor enables you to use familiar editing techniques, such as cut, copy, and paste. You can also find and replace text and specify case.

Note: After editing with the Dashboard text editor, you will not be able to use reporting or graphing tools to open reports created with InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant, or Graph Assistant because the tools cannot read some user-added syntax.

The following image shows the text editor with a sample file in the editing window.

The following table describes all of the functions available in the Dashboard text editor. The first column lists the buttons, and the second column lists the actions they produce.



- Save button

Saves the report. Acts as "Save As" the first time you save the report.

- Save As button

Saves the report in the Custom Reports folder with a name you specify.

- Run button

Runs the current report.

- Quit button

Exits the Editor window. If you made changes to the original report, a window prompts you to save or cancel the changes.

- Help button

Opens the online help.

- Cut, Copy and Paste buttons

Cuts, copys, or pastes the highlighted text.

- Delete, Select All, Undo, and Redo buttons

Deletes, selects all, undoes, and redoes.

- Find and Replace button

Finds and replaces text.

- Go to line button

Enables you to go to a particular line number in the report.

- Uppercase button

Converts highlighted text to uppercase.

- Lowercase button

Converts highlighted text to lowercase.

- Text color button

Sets the text color in the editor.

- Background color button

Sets the background color of the editor.

Note: The text color and background colors are for the current session only.

- Font drop-down menu

Enables you to change the font of the editor.

- Font size drop-down menu

Enables you to change the font size of the text in the editor.


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Working With Shared Reports

When you create reports and graphs, you may want to share them with others in your organization. The Shared Reports feature addresses this need by enabling you to create reports and graphs and make them available to other users who access the same domain.

By designating a report as shared, you allow other users to run it from the Shared Reports folder in the Domain Tree. Other users cannot edit a Shared Report in the Shared Reports folder, but they can copy a Shared Report to their own My Reports folder and then edit the copied report without affecting the original. All users who access the Domain Tree have the ability to view, run, and copy Shared Reports. Note that users with the User role cannot copy Shared Reports.

Only users who have been granted the Shared privilege by their Administrator can share a My Report. The My Reports that you contribute appear in the Shared Reports folder of other users and display the Shared Report icon. These reports also appear in your My Reports folder displaying the same Shared Report icon to denote that they have been made available to others. Note that Custom Reports can be shared in the same manner as My Reports.

The Shared Reports folder in the Domain Tree consists of folders named for other users who contributed Shared Reports. All the reports contributed by a particular user appear under the Shared Reports folder in a subfolder named for the Reporting Objects group folder, Custom Reports folder, or Custom Reports subfolder where the report was created. Shared Reports are available to all other Managed Reporting users who can access the same domain. Note that reports that you share are not listed in your own Shared Reports folder.

The following image shows three Shared Reports contributed by a user named Jeff who created and shared the reports from three different locations: the Custom Reports folder, a Custom Reports subfolder, and a Reporting Objects group folder named Test IA.

The Shared Reports folder enables you to:

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Procedure: How to Share a My Report

To make an existing My Report available to other users:

  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the My Reports folder, then expand the Reporting Object or Custom Reports subfolder where the desired My Report is located.
  2. Right-click the report that you want to share and select Properties.

    The Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Share Report check box and click OK.

The Properties dialog box closes and the report becomes available to all users who access the domain.

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Procedure: How to Share a New Report

To make a new report or graph that you are creating available to every user who accesses the domain:

  1. Create and save a report or graph using the InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant, or Graph Assistant tool.

    You can create and save a report or graph from either the Custom Reports folder, a Custom Reports subfolder, or a Reporting Objects group folder.

  2. Locate the saved report or graph in the corresponding folder of the Domain Tree, right-click the report or graph, and select Properties.

    The Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Share Report check box and click OK.

Tip: Alternatively, if you are using Report Assistant or Graph Assistant, when you are finished creating the desired report or graph, you can click Save As in the File menu, select the Share Report check box in the dialog box that appears, type a descriptive name, and click OK.

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Procedure: How to Copy a Shared Report

To copy a Shared Report to your My Reports folder:

  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the Shared Reports folder.

    The Shared Report folder displays folders with the names of users who have contributed reports.

  2. Expand the desired user folder.

    The expanded user folder displays subfolders that were used to create the Shared Reports.

  3. Expand the desired subfolder that contains the Shared Report you want to copy.
  4. Right-click the Shared Report and select Save As My Report.

    The Save As My Report dialog box opens.

    You can keep the original name or change the name of the report by deleting the original and typing a new name in the Description field.

  5. Click OK.

    WebFOCUS copies the report to your My Reports folder.

After you copy a Shared Report to your My Reports folder, you can edit the report without affecting the original.

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Procedure: How to Edit a Shared Report
  1. In the Domain Tree, expand the My Reports folder, then expand the subfolder that contains the Shared Report you previously saved as a My Report.
  2. Right-click the desired report or graph and select the reporting tool option (InfoAssist, Power Painter, Report Assistant, Graph Assistant).

    WebFOCUS opens the reporting tool used to create the Shared Report and displays the report or graph you copied from the Shared Reports folder.

  3. Edit the report or graph and save your changes.

For details on using:

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Uploading Data Files

In Dashboard, you can upload (import) external data files for use in WebFOCUS reporting tools. This functionality enables you to easily create a WebFOCUS file description and data file for use in your reporting application. The Upload Data File option is enabled by default and is available to all users with access to the Custom Reports folder of the Domain Tree.

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Procedure: How to Upload a Data File
  1. In the Domain Tree, Right-click the Custom Reports folder and select Upload Data File as shown in the following image.

    The first page of the Upload Data File dialog opens displaying three sections that require you to make a selection:

    • Select a file
    • File Format
    • Field Names
  2. Click the Browse button to the right of the Select a file section.

    A Choose file dialog opens.

  3. Navigate to where the file is located and select Open.

    The following image shows the first page of the Upload Data File dialog.

  4. In the File Format section, select one of the following supported formats for the file you want to import:
    • Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)
    • Comma-separated values (CSV)
    • Tab-separated values
    • Pipe-separated values
  5. In the Field Names section, select one of the following supported methods for how you want the field names created:
    • Auto-generate field names
    • First row contains field names
  6. Click Next at the bottom of the Upload Data File dialog.

    The second page of the Upload Data File dialog, as shown in the following image, appears for you to review and customize the file conversion options.

  7. For each field in the file you imported, you can select the field column heading and then edit the following attributes for that field:
    • Field Name
    • Alias
    • (Data) Type
    • Format

    If you change any of the attributes for a field, click the Apply button to apply the changes and refresh the data.

  8. When all fields have been reviewed, enter a valid name in the File Name input box (spaces are not allowed) and use the Application Directory menu to select where you want the file created.
  9. Click Next to upload the file.

    Two files are created:

    • Master File
    • Comma delimited data file (.DAT)

    Note: If a file with the same file name already exists, a dialog is displayed prompting you to allow file replacement.

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Reference: Upload Data File Considerations
  • When uploading data from a supported text file, the file must have the same type of data in each field and the same fields in every row.
  • When uploading data from an Excel spreadsheet:
    • The data must be arranged in an appropriate tabular format and the spreadsheet must have the same type of data in each column and the same fields in every row.
    • The data must be stored in the first worksheet of the workbook.
    • Cells with formulas and special characters are not supported. For example, if percentages are used the cells should be formatted using the percentage data type and should not have the percentage special character "%" in the cell.
    • Excel files must be saved in a binary format. To ensure this, open an Excel file, select File, select Save As, use the Save as type drop-down list to select either Microsoft Office Excel Workbook (*.xls) or CSV (Comma Delimited)(*.csv), then click Save.

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Amper Auto-Prompting

The amper auto-prompting facility enables you to select parameters and run the report while still being able to view and change your parameter selections. You can also display and hide parameters to widen the screen as needed. For example, the following image shows a report that requires parameter selection.

After you run the report, the output appears as shown in the following image:

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Reference: Parameter Report Options

From the amper auto-prompting launch page, you have the following options:




Click this button to run the report.


Click this button to reset the parameter selections.


Some reports provide the save parameters option.

Clear Output

Click this button to clear the report output area.

Run in a new window

Select this check box to open the report in a new browser window.

Show/Hide Parameters

Double-click splitter bar to hide parameters for full screen report view. Double-click splitter bar again to return to the original parameters and report view.

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Customizing the Amper Auto-Prompting Facility

You can customize the look and feel of the amper auto-prompting facility by editing the launch page template file you are using. All of the available launch page templates are located in the ibi\WebFOCUS76\ibi_html\javaassist\ibi\html\describe directory. The default template is autoprompt_top.css.

If you want to customize the banner, create an image, save it in the describe directory, and change the background-image property, which is shown in bold type in the following Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code:

#idBannerDiv {
background-image: url(logo_banner.gif); 
background-position: top left;
background-repeat: no-repeat; 
margin: 0;

The option to select different launch page templates can be set in the WebFOCUS Administration Console using the Parameter Prompting selection under Client Settings, where you can set the IBIF_describe_xsl value to one of the launch page templates.

You can also enter the name of the desired launch page template in a FOCEXEC using the following code:




Is set to one of the following launch page template values:

  • autoprompt_top - Displays the parameters horizontally at the top of the page and is the default template value.
  • autoprompt_top_checked - Same as autoprompt_top, but the Run in a new window check box is pre-selected.
  • autoprompt - Displays the parameters vertically at the left side of the page.
  • autoprompt_checked - Same as autoprompt, but the Run in a new window check box is pre-selected.
  • autoprompt_simple - Basic input form.

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Saving Parameter Selections in a My Report

You can save parameter selection values as a My Report for reports that run immediately or run deferred. By default these reports are saved in the Saved Parameter Reports folder which is automatically created under the My Reports folder, but you can save parameter reports anywhere in the My Reports folder structure.

When you select Run from the menu options for Saved Parameter Reports, the saved values are used to run the report and the prompt form does not display. When you select Edit Parameters, the prompt form appears so you can make changes to the values before running the request. You can Run Deferred, which also shows the prompt form before running the request. Additional menu items for Saved Parameter Reports that are available from Dashboard are Delete, Add to Favorites, Add to Mobile Favorites, and Properties. You can also schedule the report for later execution if you have scheduling capabilities.


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Procedure: How to Save Parameter Values to a My Report
  1. Run a report that has parameters.
  2. Select your parameter values and then click the Save the Parameter selections as a My Report button.

    Note: The appearance of this button may be different depending on your application.

    The Save Parameters dialog box opens.

  3. Type a name for the report and click OK. The report is saved in the Saved Parameter Reports folder under My Reports.

    Note: You may need to click the refresh button (circle with arrow) in the toolbar to refresh the domain and view the new report.