WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Report With Report Assistant > Report Options Tab

Report Options Tab


The Report options tab is used to select options for a report.

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Reference: Report Options Dialog Box

The following image shows the Report options tab where you select report output formats.

Generate report as list box (when check box is selected)

When the Show styled formats check box is selected, choose from the following formats:

  • HTML - Web browser
  • HTML - Web browser (with grid)
  • AHTML - Active Report
  • PDF - Portable Document Format
  • EXL97 - Excel 97
  • EXL2K - Excel 2000
  • EXL2KFORMULA - Excel 2000 with FORMULA
  • PS - Postscript
Generate report as list box (when check box is not selected)

When the Show styled formats check box is not selected, choose from the following formats:

Show styled formats check box

Check to show output formats that support styling options.

The Output format specific section has these options:

Report title

Enter the report title in the text box.

Optimize output with Cascading Style Sheets

Check to optimize output with Cascading Style Sheets.

Use accessibility features (Section 508)

Check to use accessibility features (Section 508).

Summary text for report

Add summary text in the text box. See How to Include Summary Text for a Report.

The Interactive options subsection has these options:

Enable OLAP


  • OFF
  • Columns only
  • Columns with panel
  • Show filters on top
  • Show filters on bottom
  • Show panel in report
  • Show Tabbed
Automatic drill down


  • Off
  • Dimensions only
  • Dimensions and Measures
On-demand paging

Check to initiate on-demand paging.

Show pop-up field description

Check to display pop-up field descriptions for column titles. See Displaying Pop-up Field Descriptions for Column Titles.

The Global report styling section has these options:

Font and Settings button

Opens the Styles dialog box.


Select from the list box.


Select from normal or bold, italic, underline, and various combinations.


Select a font size from the list box.

Text color

Select a color from the color palette.

Background color

Select a color from the color palette.


Select left, right, or center from the list box.

Currency Symbol

Select a different currency symbol to override the currency symbol set on the reporting server. Choose from Default, USD, GBP, JPY, EUR, $, or Custom in the Currency Symbol menu. When you select Custom, replace “Custom” with the desired one-character custom currency symbol in the Currency Symbol field.

Active Report Styling

Opens the Active Report Styling dialog box. This button is only active when you select the AHTML - Active Report output format. See Creating an HTML Active Report.

Apply an existing WebFOCUS Style Sheet

Select None or a Style Sheet from the list box.

Apply an existing Cascading Style Sheet

Select None or a Style Sheet from the list box.

The Content and generation section has these options:

Page numbering

Select Default, On, Off, or No lead from the list box.

Limit the number of read operations performed during report generation

Enter a number in the text box.

Stop retrieving reports after the specified number have been included in the report

Enter a number in the text box.

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Reference: Notes on Using Lotus Format

The Display Format selection box on the Report options tab lists Lotus as a display format. This format, however, does not create a valid Lotus™ spreadsheet. To work around this limitation, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Excel display format.
  2. When the request is run, WebFOCUS prompts you to save or open the file, select Save.
  3. Save the file with an .xls extension to a valid directory.

    Lotus Release 5.0 or higher can open files with an .xls extension.