WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Report With Report Assistant > Applying Other Report Options

Applying Other Report Options

In this section:

How to:


The Report options tab enables you to select from a variety of options for the output of your report.

The features of the Report options tab are shown in the following image.

The following is a list of the Report options tab features:

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Procedure: How to Save a Report to an Output Format That Supports Styling Options
  1. Check the Show styled formats check box.
  2. The Generate report as list box offers a choice of file types for the report output. Select one of the following formats from this list:

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Procedure: How to Save a Report to an Output Format That Supports CSS
  1. Uncheck the Show styled formats check box.
  2. The Generate report as list box offers a choice of file types for the report output. Select one of the following formats:

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Procedure: How to Specify Page Numbering Format

The Page Numbering list box offers several options for page numbering. Select one of the following from the list box:

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Procedure: How to Set a Record Limit or Read Limit

To limit the number of records retrieved when reporting from a non-FOCUS data source, enter a number greater than zero in the Read Limit box. A read limit specification is ignored when reporting from a FOCUS data source.

To limit the number of records retrieved when reporting from a FOCUS data source, enter a number greater than zero in the Record Limit box.

These options are for development only.


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Procedure: How to Include a Report Title

You can specify a report title in the Report Title field that will appear in the title bar of your report. This option is not available for reports generated in PDF or PS format or for reports that utilize on-demand paging.

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Procedure: How to Include Summary Text for a Report

You can specify summary text for your report in the Summary Text for Report field. This will place a description of the output into a SUMMARY object inside the output HTML TABLE. The length limit of this summary is 500 characters. If you try to set the SUMMARY to more than 500 characters, you receive the following message:

Limit on length of summary is 500 characters.

Note: You can only specify summary text when the Use Accessibility features (Section 508) option is checked.

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Procedure: How to Style the Entire Report

To style the entire report:

  1. Click Font and Settings in the Global report styling section on the Report options tab.

    The Styles dialog box opens where you can select report style options.

  2. Select the font styling options from the Font, Style, and Size boxes.
  3. Select a text color from the Text color list box.
  4. Select a background color from the Background color list box.
  5. Select a justification from the Justification list box.
  6. Select a different currency symbol to override the currency symbol set on the reporting server. Choose from Default, USD, GBP, JPY, EUR, $, or Custom in the Currency Symbol menu. When you select Custom, replace “Custom” with the desired one-character custom currency symbol in the Currency Symbol field.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To specify an existing WebFOCUS Style Sheet or Cascading Style Sheet, make your choice from the relevant list box.

Note: Clicking Reset returns the styling options to the following default settings:

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Procedure: How to Style a PDF or PostScript Report

When you select PDF or PostScript (PS) as the display format for a report, WebFOCUS offers several additional styling features.

  1. Select PDF or PS from the Generate report as list box.
  2. Click Font and Settings. The Styles dialog box opens.
  3. Select a font.
  4. Click the Page Orientation list box to select either Portrait or Landscape.
  5. Click the Page size list box to select the page size for the report.
  6. Select a different currency symbol to override the currency symbol set on the reporting server. Choose from Default, USD, GBP, JPY, EUR, $, or Custom in the Currency Symbol menu. When you select Custom, replace “Custom” with the desired one-character custom currency symbol in the Currency Symbol field.
  7. Click OK.

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Procedure: How to Justify an Entire Report

The following procedure describes how to justify an entire report. This affects headers, footers, fields, and field headings.

  1. Click Font and Settings. The Styles dialog box opens.
  2. In the Justification list box, select Left, Right, or Center.
  3. Click OK.

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Procedure: How to Enable On-Demand Paging and Grid Lines
  1. Select HTML - Web browser or HTML - Web browser (with grid) in the Generate report as list box.

    Note: The latter option provides grid lines that separate cells of data in your report.

    You can only use On-demand Paging for reports that use the HTML format.

  2. Click the On-demand Paging check box.
  3. Save and run the report.

    WebFOCUS displays the first page of the report in the WebFOCUS Viewer.

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Procedure: How to Optimize Output With Cascading Style Sheets

When you check Optimize output with Cascading Style Sheets in the Report options tab of Report Assistant, your report will reflect the styling options you select, and generate Internal Cascading Style Sheet code in the HEAD tag of HTML reports. This feature is available only if you select HTML in the Generate report as drop-down list.

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Procedure: How to Use the Accessibility Feature

If you check this box, the output will be 508 compliant. See How to Include Summary Text for a Report.

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Reference: Setting OLAP Reporting Options

OLAP options are available in the Interactive options section of the Report options tab in Report Assistant. The relevant options—Enable OLAP and Automatic Drill Down—are located here.

Enable OLAP Options

The Enable OLAP options in the Report Assistant control how users can interact with an OLAP report and access OLAP tools.

For Standard Reports delivered to Managed Reporting users, these decisions are made by Managed Reporting Developers. However, users who are creating their own reports can OLAP-enable them and control the following OLAP interfaces and drill down options.

Automatic Drill Down Options

These options enable you to sort instantly from high to low or low to high for selected report columns:

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Displaying Pop-up Field Descriptions for Column Titles

You can have pop-up field descriptions display in an HTML report when the mouse pointer is positioned over column titles. Field description text displays in a pop-up box near the column title using the default font for the report. Pop-up text appears for report column titles including titles created with ACROSS phrases and stacked column titles created with OVER phrases.

The pop-up text displayed for a column title is defined by the Description attribute in the Master File for the corresponding field. If a column title has no Description entry in the Master File, then no pop-up box is generated when your mouse is positioned over the title.

This feature is not supported in the HTML Graph Assistant.

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Procedure: How to Display Pop-up Field Descriptions in an HTML Report
  1. Open the HTML Report Assistant.
  2. In the HTML Report Assistant window, select the Report options tab.
  3. In the Interactive Options area, select the Show pop-up field description check box.
  4. Click Save to save this option in your report.

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Reference: JavaScript Requirements for Pop-up Field Descriptions

Distributing an HTML report containing pop-up field descriptions with ReportCaster requires the use of JavaScript components located on the WebFOCUS Client. To access these components in a report distributed by ReportCaster, the scheduled procedure must contain the SET FOCHTMLURL command, which must be set to an absolute URL instead of the default value. For example,

SET FOCHTMLURL = http://hostname[:port]/ibi_html



Is the host name and optional port number (specified only if you are not using the default port number) where the WebFOCUS Web application is deployed.


Is the site-customized Web server alias pointing to the WebFOCUS76/ibi_html directory (where ibi_html is the default value).