WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Managing Dashboard > Creating Standard Reports in Dashboard

Creating Standard Reports in Dashboard

How to:

You can enable administrators and developers to create Standard Reports in Dashboard with any of the available reporting tools. Additionally, they can create new folders under Standard Reports and set properties at the Standard Report level. However, new domains can only be created in the Managed Reporting Administration interface. The creation of Standard Reports by administrators and developers can be enabled for all views by editing a variable setting in the bid-config.xml file or enabled for specific views using the Dashboard View Builder.

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Procedure: How to Enable the Creation of Standard Reports in All Views

To enable administrators and developers to create Standard Reports in all Dashboard views:

  1. In the WebFOCUS76\worp\conf directory, open the bid-config.xml file in a text editor.
  2. Edit the following variable to change it from:
    <internal-var name="enableExtendedMenu" value="false"/>


    <internal-var name="enableExtendedMenu" value="true"/>

Note: After making changes to the bid-config.xml file, use the WebFOCUS Console to clear memory cache, or restart the application. Until this is done, the change is not effective.

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Procedure: How to Enable the Creation of Standard Reports in Specific Views

To enable administrators and developers to create Standard Reports in specific Dashboard views:

  1. Log on to the Dashboard View Builder.
  2. Select a view.
  3. Click Edit Settings.
  4. Click the True option to the right of enableExtendedMenu in the Settings pane.
  5. Click Save Settings.
  6. Click Close.

For more information about using the Edit Settings functionality in the Dashboard View Builder, see Customizing Dashboard Pages for a Public or Group View.