WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Introducing WebFOCUS Managed Reporting > Using Managed Reporting

Using Managed Reporting

In this section:

As a Managed Reporting Administrator or Developer, use the following tools to create and manage the Managed Reporting user environment:

The following image shows the Developer Studio window with the standard Windows menu bar and two rows of toolbar. The window is then divided into two sections, the left section displays the hierarchical structure of the objects created for Managed Reporting users and the right section contains the available domains.

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Using the Browser Toolbar

The WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Domain Builder and Domains environments both provide access to the toolbar.

The toolbar contains the tools required to create, test, edit, and publish report procedures and Web launch pages. Using the toolbar, you can create the metadata for data sources, build the reports that retrieve and format that data, and generate Web pages that enable users to run the reports. The following image shows the Managed Reporting toolbar which is later described in a table.

You perform these tasks using the toolbar buttons as outlined in the following table. The tables provides the name of the button and a description of the task you can perform from the button.




Adds a new component. For example, if you highlight the Domains folder and then click New, you create a new domain.


Opens/closes a selected object.

Edit Source

Displays the code for the selected object (report, procedure, or launch page) in the text editor window.


Enables you to search the selected domain, folder, or object.


Updates the contents of the Managed Reporting Repository window. This button is useful when more than one Administrator is working in Managed Reporting. Changes one Administrator makes to the Repository may not always be visible to other Administrators.

This feature is context sensitive; only the selected object will refresh.


Executes the selected report or displays the selected launch page.

Run Deferred

Executes the selected report in deferred mode.

Deferred Status

Displays the Deferred Report Status Interface in a new browser window.


Creates an HTML launch page for the selected report. For more information, see the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Developer's Manual.

Managed Reporting Administration

Opens the Managed Reporting Administration interface. For details, see Creating Domains, Groups, Roles, and Users.


Enables you to access ReportCaster. For more information, see the ReportCaster Development and Administration manual.

ReportCaster Console

Enables you to access the ReportCaster Console. For more information, see the ReportCaster Development and Administration manual.

Report Library

Enables you to access the content in the Report Library.


Removes an object (Standard Report, Reporting Object, launch page, or Other File) from the domain and copies it to the clipboard.


Copies an object to the clipboard.


Removes the selected folder or object.


Places the clipboard item into the indicated destination.


Displays the name and data source of the selected object.


Displays online help.

The Managed Reporting toolbars are positioned at the top of both Managed Reporting interfaces.