WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Introducing WebFOCUS Managed Reporting > Managed Reporting Interface

Managed Reporting Interface

In this section:

The following options are available for accessing Managed Reporting.

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Business Intelligence Dashboard

The Dashboard interface is ideal for users who quickly need to run Standard Reports. Check your WebFOCUS Installation manual for information about browser compatibility.

Dashboard offers you the ability to:

When you connect to Dashboard you are also connecting to Managed Reporting, which means all of the Standard Reports and Reporting Objects that are available to you in Managed Reporting are also be available in Dashboard.

Managed Reporting is accessed by the Dashboard interface. The interface is a customizable HTML-based front-end that allows you to:

The following additional features are available depending on whether your site is licensed and your Administrator has granted you the capability to use these features:

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Java Applets

Java-based Managed Reporting is an alternative to the Dashboard. For more information, see Using Java Applet Managed Reporting.