WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Creating Graphs With Advanced Graph Assistant > Modifying Graph Properties With Chart Editing Forms

Modifying Graph Properties With Chart Editing Forms

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The Chart Editor provides access to a complete array of user interfaces, referred to as chart editing forms, that are easy to use and enable you to utilize advanced chart customizing options for every modifiable graph property. You can modify properties such as size, style, location, alignment, width, height, color, and text to display for graph elements including frames, series, legends, titles, and data. Other modifiable areas include axis scale customization, advanced 3D chart handling, the ability to create annotations, and expanded font type selection.

Most of the chart editing forms are available from the Chart editor tab and are described in this section. Additionally, there are chart editing forms you can access from the Data selection tab. The Chart Properties and Field Properties forms enable you to modify chart elements and field properties while working with data fields in the query pane. Detailed information is available later in this topic for using these properties forms.

When you select a chart editing form, a corresponding set of Properties appears below the graph preview area. A specific chart editing form is available for each set of related chart editing options. Chart editing forms provide you with drop-down lists, text boxes, and color palettes for selecting options, entering information, and modifying colors. Chart editing forms also provide the following options for viewing properties:

The following image shows the chart editing form for Quick chart, which is available in the Chart folder, with the property description option enabled.

In each of the chart editing forms, you can edit a setting for, or add text to, a chart element listed in the Property column. To change the attributes for any chart element, click or double-click the Value column area to the right of the chart element you want to edit, and modify the setting or text value.

Use the following guidelines to perform edits to any of the chart elements listed in the various chart editing forms:

The following image shows all of the Chart Editor's chart object folders, and where these folders are expanded, the associated chart editing forms (document icons) are displayed.

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Reference: Chart Editor Folders and Forms

The Chart Editor contains a set of chart editing forms within each chart object folder, as shown in the following table:

Chart Object Folder

Chart Editing Forms


Quick Chart, General, Frame, Data labels


All series, Series 0 (When a sort field is added to the Series-legend sort container in the query pane, additional Series forms are added so that the total number of forms equals the number of unique values for that sort field. These values are also displayed in the legend area below the graph.)


General, Markers, Labels


Title, Subtitle, Footnote

Ordinal axis

General, Labels, Title, Major gridlines, Major ticks, Minor gridlines, Minor ticks

Y1 axis

General, Labels, Title, Major gridlines, Major ticks, Minor gridlines, Minor ticks, Reference lines


Annotations 0, Annotations 1, Annotations 2, Annotations 3, Annotations 4


Script editor, All text, Chart, Data handling

Only the chart editing forms in the Chart folder are documented in the following topics. Since each property in the chart editing forms has a property description available to explain the functionality of that property, refer to the property descriptions for more information about editing the chart elements in the chart editing forms located in the other Chart Object folders, which include Series, Legend, Titles, Ordinal axis, Y1 axis, Annotations, and Advanced.

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Reference: Chart Editor Considerations

There are some properties in the Chart Editor that are mutually exclusive. For example, setting a graph's Rectangle values (x, y, width, height) in the Frame form is not possible when the "Fit to Chart area" attribute in the Quick chart form (also in the General form) is set to Yes (enabled), which is the default value. To edit a graph's x, y, width, and height values, you must first disable the "Fit to Chart area" attribute (set to No).

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Chart Folder Editing Forms

In the Chart Editor, the Chart folder provides you with chart editing forms for the chart elements most often customized by users of Advanced Graph Assistant. The chart elements you can modify and the corresponding values you can use are shown in the following tables for each chart editing form found in the Chart folder.

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Reference: Chart - Quick Chart Properties

The following table lists the properties and values you can use in the Quick Chart form.



Apply template

Select from Southwestern, Pastels, Extruded pastels, Cylinders on gray, Plum on white, Greys, Fade to gray, True Colors, Color to white, Red Accent, Beveled on tan, or Default.

Chart title

Type desired title text.

Chart subtitle

Type desired subtitle text.

Chart footnote

Type desired footnote text.

Use 3D effect

Select from Yes or No to turn the 3D depth effect on or off.

Legend position

Set the placement location of the legend. Select from Free Float, Auto, Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Right Top, Right Bottom, Left Top, Left Bottom, Left Top, Left Bottom, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Top Left, or Top Right.

Show data values

Select from Yes or No to display data label values or not.

Y-axis Major grid

Select from Yes or No to display the Y-axis major grid or not.

X-axis Major grid

Select from Yes or No to display the X-axis major grid or not.

Background color

Click color square to select the background fill color.

Fit to Chart area

Select from Yes or No to turn auto placement on or off.

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Reference: Chart - General Properties

The following table lists the properties and values you can use in the General form.



Transparent border color

Select from true or false to make the border color transparent or not.

Background color

Click color square to select the background fill color.

Bar width

Set the numeric value for the bar width.

Bar spacing

Set the numeric value for the bar spacing.

Default marker size

Set numeric values for the default marker size.

Fit to Chart area

Select from Yes or No to turn auto placement on or off.

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Reference: Chart - Frame Properties

The following table lists the properties and values you can use in the Frame form.



Depth angle

Set the numeric value for the frame depth angle.

Depth radius

Set the numeric value for the frame depth radius.

Transparent frame color

Select from Yes or No to make the frame fill color transparent or not.

Frame fill color

Click color square to select the frame fill color.

Transparent frame border color

Select from Yes or No to make the frame border color transparent or not.

Frame border color

Click color square to select the frame border color.

Frame shadow

Show shadow - Select from Yes or No to display a shadow for the frame or not.

Horizontal offset - Set the numeric value for the X-axis offset of the frame shadow.

Vertical offset - Set the numeric value for the Y-axis offset of the frame shadow.

Shadow color - Click color square to select the shadow color.

Side frame

Transparent color - Select from Yes or No to make the side frame fill color transparent or not.

Frame color - Click color square to select the side frame fill color.

Transparent border color - Select from Yes or No to make the side frame border color transparent or not.

Bottom frame

Transparent color - Select from Yes or No to make the bottom frame fill color transparent or not.

Frame color - Click color square to select the bottom frame fill color.

Transparent border color - Select Yes or No to make the bottom frame border color transparent or not.

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Reference: Chart - Data Labels Properties

The following table lists the properties and values you can use in the Data Labels form.



Show data values

Select from Yes or No to display data values or not.


Set the data values position. Select from Above, On top edge, Below top edge, Center, or Base.

Format data text

Set the format of the data labels.

Select from Use Pattern, General, No decimal, Percent with no decimal, Percent with one decimal, Percent with two decimals, Currency general, Currency with no decimal, General in thousands, Currency in thousands, General in millions, Currency in millions, General in billions, Currency in billions, General in trillions, Currency in trillions, Thousands separator no decimal, or Thousands separator two decimals.

Text format pattern

Edit the text format pattern for the data labels (default is #.#)

Use color when data text value is negative

Select from true or false to use or not use color to display data text when the values are negative.

Negative color

Click color square to select the color for negative values in the data labels.

Font size

Set the numeric value for the font size of the data labels text.

Font style

Set the font style for the data labels text. Select from Plain, Italic, Bold, Italic Bold, Underline, Italic Underline, Bold Underline, or Bold Italic Underline.

Horizontal justification

Set the horizontal justification positioning for the data labels text. Select from Left, Center, or Right.

Data text color

Click color square to select the data text color.

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Using the Chart Properties Form to Modify a Graph

The Chart Properties form provides you with an interface to select output options and modify various chart elements in your graph. The following image shows the properties you can modify and the corresponding default values in the Chart Properties form:

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Procedure: How to Access the Chart Properties Form
  1. Click the chart in the graph preview area.


    Click the Chart icon in the query pane below the Available Fields tab.

  2. The Chart Properties form is displayed below the graph preview area.

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Reference: Chart Properties

For the Chart Properties form, the chart elements you can modify and the values you can use are listed in the following table.




Select from PNG, JPEG, GIF, or SVG.

Output destination

Select from Screen, File, or Printer.


Type a name. The default is HOLD. This property is only displayed when you select File for Output destination.

Crosstab Mode

Select from Yes or No. Displays the Series-legend icon and enables secondary X-axis functionality.

Use default size

Select from Yes or No.

Let application choose size

Select from Yes or No.


Pixels is the default and only value for Units.

Custom width

You can edit the numeric value for the width.

Custom height

You can edit the numeric value for the height.


Click the text, then click the browse (...) button to launch heading dialog, and add or edit the FOCUS heading value.


Click the text, then click the browse (...) button to launch footing dialog, and add or edit the FOCUS footing value.

Data Preview

Select Sample Data to view sample data in the graph preview area. Select Live Data, which is the default, to view live data in the graph preview area.

Record limit

You can edit the numeric record limit value (default is 0).

Section 508 compliant

Select from Yes or No.

Summary text for graph

Type text. This property is only displayed when you select Yes for Section 508 compliant.

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Using Field Properties Forms to Modify a Graph

The Field properties forms provide you with an interface to modify properties for an individual field. There are two types of Field properties forms, one for the Y-axis, and one for all other dimensions.

The following image shows the Y-axis Field properties form for the selected field:

The following image shows the Field properties form used for all other dimensions:

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Procedure: How to Access the Field Properties Forms
  1. Click a field in the query pane, located below the Available Fields tab.
  2. The Field properties form is displayed below the graph preview area.

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Reference: Field Properties

For the Y-axis Field properties forms, the chart elements you can modify and the values you can use are listed in the following table.




Select from Yes or No. Yes displays the selected field in the graph output, and is the default value. No hides the field (does not display in the output). For more information, see Hiding the Display of Y-axis Data.


Type text to change the selected field name in the output. For more information, see Editing Vertical (Y-axis) and Horizontal (X-axis) Data Labels.

Summary type

Select one of the values from the drop-down list to assign a numeric summary type value to the selected Y-axis field. For more information, see Assigning a Numeric Summary Type Value to Y-axis Data.

Drill down

Create a drill down link for the selected field. Click the text, then click the browse (...) button to launch the drill down dialog. For more information, see Linking Graphs to Other Resources.

Conditional Styling

Create a conditional styling rule for the selected field. Click the text, then click the New styling rule button to launch the Create conditional styling rule dialog. For more information, see Applying Conditional Styling to a Graph.

For the Field properties form for all other dimensions, the chart elements you can modify and the values you can use are listed in the following table.




Type text to change the selected field name in the output. For more information, see Editing Vertical (Y-axis) and Horizontal (X-axis) Data Labels.


Select Ascending or Descending to change the order in which the data is displayed for the selected sort field.