WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Creating Launch Pages and Publishing Reports > Working With Launch Pages

Working With Launch Pages

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When you publish a report, you create a launch page, a complete HTML file that calls the Standard Report procedure. The launch page can be a simple form containing Submit, Defer, and Reset buttons that allow users to submit the Standard Report. A more robust launch page contains data entry fields or drop-down list boxes to supply parameter values if amper variables exist within the Standard Report. We recommend unchecking the Standard Report Show on User's List property so that the launch page appears to users while the report remains hidden.

Note: For more information about limitations that apply to amper variables and the Publish utility, see Amper Auto-Prompting Considerations.

When you create a launch page for your Standard Report, you can:

The published page WebFOCUS creates is a template that you can further customize by manually adding any supported HTML tags and syntax. For example, the HTML launch page can include image files (.gif or .jpg files), tables, frames, JavaScript functions, and hypertext links to other Web pages. In addition, the launch pages that you create and make available through the Web can be accessed using HTML hyperlinks from other Web pages.

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Coding a Launch Page

When the Publish utility is used to create HTML Launch pages, special HTML and JavaScript code is added to the page. This code controls the behavior of the page's Submit and Defer buttons, which may appear alone or together on the page depending on how it was created. If you plan to modify the pages created by the Publish utility, or plan to create your own pages, it is recommended that you study the code on these pages.

You can publish a page, with the Show as Report option checked, for each of the available options: Submit button only, Defer button only, and Submit and Defer buttons. By reviewing the code on each of these three pages, you can learn how to make pages that are best suited to the needs of your users.