WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Creating Launch Pages and Publishing Reports > Working With Amper Auto-Prompting
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The WebFOCUS amper auto-prompting facility enables you to create a launch page that prompts users for the amper variables necessary to execute a procedure. You can also customize launch pages, display or hide parameters, and add descriptions of procedures, variables, default variable values, headings, and more. For more detailed information, see the Developing Reporting Applications manual.
You can customize the look and feel of the amper auto-prompting facility by editing the launch page template file you are using. All of the available launch page templates are located in the ibi\WebFOCUS76\ibi_html\javaassist\ibi\html\describe directory. The default template is autoprompt_top.css.
If you want to customize the banner, create an image, save it in the describe directory, and change the background-image property, which is shown in bold type in the following Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code:
#idBannerDiv { height:45px; background-image: url(logo_banner.gif); background-position: top left; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0; margin-top:2px; cursor:hand;}
The option to select different launch page templates can be set in the WebFOCUS Administration Console using the Parameter Prompting selection under Client Settings, where you can set the IBIF_describe_xsl value to one of the launch page templates.
You can also enter the name of the desired launch page template in a FOCEXEC using the following code:
Is set to one of the following launch page template values:
The following are important amper auto-prompting issues to consider:
For more information about amper auto-prompting, see Amper Auto Prompting of the Coding a User Interface section in the Developing Reporting Applications manual.
For reports that utilize the amper auto-prompting facility and have a:
Note: If the selection test is a complex WHERE statement testing multiple fields, the entire WHERE statement is removed from the report request.
You can set the options for amper auto-prompting. The setting you select is for the entire site. When you turn off amper auto-prompting, Managed Reporting Publish Utility functionality is also turned off even though the option still appears on the toolbar in Developer Studio and the Managed Reporting Domain Builder Applet.
You can modify these settings from the WebFOCUS Administration Console. You must be an administrator to change these settings.
Note: This setting was implemented so that Managed Reporting prompting (IBIMR_prompting) would be mutually exclusive from the amper autoprompt feature (specified by using IBIF_wfdescribe).
For more information about these settings, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual.