WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Creating Domains, Groups, Roles, and Users > Creating Users
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The Users tab is used by Managed Reporting Administrators to create, edit, and delete users. Users with Group Administration privileges have limited access to the Users tab. For more information, see Assigning the Group Administrator Privilege.
The New User dialog box opens in the right pane.
User ID. Is the user ID used to sign on to this user account. This value can be a maximum of 128 characters and cannot include spaces or double quotation marks ("). You can restrict other characters from this field. For details, see Customizing the Interface.
You can edit the User ID value after the account is created. This is a required property.
Name. Is the description displayed for the user account in most places of Managed Reporting and ReportCaster. If you have many users, you may consider a convention such as Lastname, Firstname for values in this field. This will make it easier to locate users in the lists. This is a required property.
Password/Confirm Password. You can assign a password for the user account or leave it blank. At any time, you can reset the user's password. The user can also reset their password themselves on the logon page. This is an optional property.
Email Address. An e-mail address is required for the Report Library, but you do not need to include it for ReportCaster scheduling without using the Report Library.
In certain Managed Reporting security configurations, the Name, Email Address, Password, and Confirm Password fields are disabled because WebFOCUS cannot update password information stored in the external authentication directory. For example, when you are configured to authenticate to LDAP/Active Directory, the Password and Confirm Password fields are disabled because an MR Administrator cannot update your authentication directory. Additionally, when configured for LDAP/Active Directory authentication, RDBMS authorization, and the property USER.INFO.LOOKUP is set to 'dual', the Name and Email Address fields are also disabled because this user information comes from your authentication directory. Your WebFOCUS Administrator controls these settings using the WebFOCUS Administration Console. For more information, see Managed Reporting Security Settings in the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual.
Role. Is the Managed Reporting role. For details on roles, see User Roles Defined.
Disable logon rights for this user. Prohibits the user from logging into Managed Reporting.
Once you select a role, a set of privileges is automatically assigned to the user and cannot be changed. However, you can add additional privileges as necessary. For details on user privileges, see User Privileges Defined.
To add a user to a group, double click the group in the Available Groups list to move it to the Member of list.
Note: To modify or delete a user, select user from the Users tab and click the appropriate icon.
The Managed Reporting Administration interface supports the ability to search for entries by name or user ID. Large search result sets are broken up into a series of navigable pages to improve performance.
In the Groups tab, you can perform pattern searches. For example, you can enter “Sa” and it will return all of the groups that begin with those two letters. In the Users tab, you can perform pattern searches by name or user ID.
To restore your list after performing a search, click Refresh in your browser or type an asterisk (*) in the search text box and click the green arrow.
A Managed Reporting administrator can delegate some of their administration responsibilities to designated users. Group administration is a user privilege that enables a user to manage one or more of the groups to which they belong. From the Managed Reporting Administration interface, the group administrator can add or remove any user from the group(s) they administer. However, a group administrator cannot add, remove, or change the domains that are associated with their groups.
Group Administrators can also create users and assign them roles and privileges. However, Group Administrators cannot:
The Group Administrator privilege can be assigned by an administrator to any user; however, it cannot be assigned to a role. A user can be the Group Administrator for more than one group and there can be multiple Group Administrators for one group. Group Administrators use the same Managed Reporting Administration interface that Administrators do, though the features presented to them are limited.
An asterisk appears in the Administrator column of the Member Of list to indicate the user is the Administrator of the group.
When a user is assigned the Developer role (or a role that is based on the Developer role) the Domains tab appears in the Group & Domain Management area of the User Properties pane.
By default, the Developer in all assigned domains check box is selected. This means that the user is a developer for all the domains for which they have access. The domains shown in the Assigned Domains list are available in the Domain Builder interface (accessed from the blue Managed Reporting toolbar or in Developer Studio), the Domains environment, and from Dashboard.
If the Developer in all assigned domains check box is deselected you can specify which domains the user can develop in. Only the domains listed in the Developer Domains list on the right appear in the Domain Builder interface (or Developer Studio). The domains in the Assigned Domains list on the left appear in the Domains interface and in Dashboard.
You can set up users so when they run reports they can save the parameter values they select as a My Report. The Save Entered Values privilege enables users to save parameter values as a My Report. The Save Entered Values privilege is not enabled by default for any user or role. This privilege is not available for the Dashboard Public User.
The WebFOCUS Client amper auto-prompting feature inserts a Save Parameters button on the form for users that have the Save entered values privilege. Developers can also add the Save Parameters button to a form from the HTML Composer. For complete details, see the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Developer's Manual.
Note: If the report properties are changed and the Prompt for Parameters property is deselected, the user will not see the Save Parameters button when they run the report.