WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Graph With Graph Assistant > Selection Criteria Tab in HTML Graph Assistant

Selection Criteria Tab in HTML Graph Assistant


You can create WHERE and WHERE TOTAL statements from the Selection Criteria tab in the Graph Assistant.

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Reference: Selection Criteria Tab - Screen Conditions Window

The Screening conditions window shown in the following image allows you to drag and drop a field from the Available Fields window.


Use WHERE to select records based on the values of an individual field.

Use WHERE TOTAL to select records based on the aggregate value of a field, for example, the sum or average of a field's values.


Is the field you initially chose.

Operator Expression

Select an operator from the drop-down list, for example, EQUAL to.

Select Values

Click to open the Values dialog box to select or enter values for the WHERE or WHERE TOTAL statement you are creating. The following image shows the Values dialog box.


Type a constant value. To use multiple constant values, click the plus sign in the Multiple values entered list box after each constant value that you type.

Select from file (Import) button

Opens the Select file dialog box. For more information, see Importing Values From External Files for WHERE Statements.


Type a parameter name. To use multiple parameter values, click the plus sign in the Multiple values entered list box after each parameter name that you type.

Auto Prompt button

Opens the Parameter Properties dialog box. For details, see Parameter Properties Dialog Box (Dynamic Parameters) and Parameter Properties Dialog Box (Static Parameters).


Select a field from the Field list box.


Select a field value from the Values list box. To use multiple field values, click the plus sign in the Multiple values entered list box after each field value that you select.

Multiple values entered

Displays the constants, imported values, parameters, or field values you added to the Multiple values list box. Use the available buttons to add, remove, and change the order of the selected values.

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Reference: Parameter Properties Dialog Box (Dynamic Parameters)

The following image shows the Parameter Properties dialog box with the Dynamic option selected.


Name is the parameter name. This field is automatically filled in with information from the selected field. You can change the name if desired.


Text that appears in the Auto prompt page as a prompt for the selection list. This field is automatically filled in with information from the selected field. You can change the description if desired.


  • If the Description is a single word and the parameter is for a numeric field, you must add a space at the end of the description to avoid a parsing error.
  • The Description cannot contain a period (.) because a period is the delimiter to specify the beginning and end of the description value.

Select the type of parameter:

  • Dynamic retrieves values from the specified data source when the request is run. This is the default selection.
  • Static contains a list of values you supply. These values do not change unless you change them.
Select multiple values at runtime

Selecting this check box enables you to provide more than one value to the report from the auto prompt page. In addition, the user is able to select all values from the values list.

Data Source

Select a data source that contains the values for the parameter. The data source must be on your APP PATH.


Select the field from the data source whose values will populate the selection list.

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Reference: Parameter Properties Dialog Box (Static Parameters)

The following image shows the Parameter Properties dialog box with the Static option selected.


Is the parameter name. This field is automatically filled in with information from the selected field. You can change the name if desired.


Text that appears in the Auto prompt page as a prompt for the selection list. This field is automatically filled in with information from the selected field. You can change the description if desired.


  • If the Description is a single word and the parameter is for a numeric field, you must add a space at the end of the description to avoid a parsing error.
  • The Description cannot contain a period (.) because a period is the delimiter to specify the beginning and end of the description value.

Select the type of parameter:

  • Dynamic retrieves values from the specified data source when the request is run. This is the default selection.
  • Static contains a list of values you supply. These values do not change unless you change them.
Select multiple values at runtime

Selecting this check box enables you to provide more than one value to the report from the auto prompt page. In addition, the user is able to select all values from the values list.


Enter one or more constant values.

Show field values

Shows the values in the selected field. Move the values you want in the selection list to the Prompt values list.

Prompt values

Prompt Values are the values that appear in the selection list. You can use the available buttons to add, remove, and change the order of the Prompt values.