WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Customizing Dashboard > Positioning the Domain Tree, Role Tree, and Banner

Positioning the Domain Tree, Role Tree, and Banner

In this section:

How to:

Select the position of the Domain Tree, Role Tree, and banner from the Composition window. The Domain Tree and Role Tree share a column that can be placed on the right or left side of the window, or removed. The banner can be placed at the top or bottom of the window, or removed.

Note: The composition should not be updated when users are connected to Dashboard.

Choose to hide or display the Domain Tree, Role Tree, and banner. Display options include the following:

If you choose to display the Role Tree, you must create a Role Tree for all groups that will use the Dashboard view that contains a Role Tree. For details, see Creating a Role Tree.

You can also select either scroll buttons or scroll bars for the Domain Tree and Role Tree. For details, see Selecting Scrolling Options for Domain Trees and Role Trees.

The following image shows the Composition window containing three parts: first part is the check boxes for banner, sidebar, and frame separator, second part is the position of the bar and sidebar, and the third part is content for the sidebar and tree link.

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Procedure: How to Position the Domain Tree, Role Tree, and Banner
  1. From the View Builder, click Composition. The Composition window opens.
  2. To position the banner, click one of the combinations in the Composition window. The banner can be placed at the top or bottom of the window, and the Domain Tree and Role Tree share a column on the right or left side of the window. Not all combinations are available for every display option.

    The Preview area automatically updates when you select a combination.

  3. To position the Domain Tree and Role Tree, select one of the following option buttons:
    • Domain Tree only. Displays only the Domain Tree.
    • Role Tree only. Displays only the Role Tree.
    • Both Domain Tree and Role Tree. Displays the Domain Tree and the Role Tree. When this option is selected, a button displays that allows the user to toggle between the Domain Tree and the Role Tree. With this option you also select to have either the Role Tree or the Domain Tree as the default display list.

    Note that this also controls the content that displays when a user selects the Tree banner link.

  4. Click Save to save changes.

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Selecting Scrolling Options for Domain Trees and Role Trees

You can select either scroll buttons or scroll bars for the Domain Tree and Role Tree.

When scroll buttons are enabled, up, down, left, and right arrows display in the toolbar allowing you to navigate the Domain Tree or Role Tree.

When scroll bars are enabled, scroll bars display when content exists that cannot be viewed within the displayed window. When this option is selected, scroll buttons do not display in the toolbar.

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Procedure: How to Select Scrolling Options for Domain Trees and Role Trees
  1. From the View Builder, click Composition. The Composition window opens.
  2. Select the Enable Scroll Buttons or Enable Scroll Bars option button. This controls scrolling options in the sidebar list:
    • When Enable Scroll Buttons is selected, the buttons display in the Domain Tree or Role Tree toolbar.
    • When Enable Scroll Bars is selected, a scroll bar displays in the sidebar list when necessary.