WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Customizing Dashboard > Opening the View Builder

Opening the View Builder

How to:

You can customize your Dashboard look by using the View Builder. From the View Builder, you can open the following windows:

Only one session of the View Builder can be open at any time. If you try to access the View Builder while another administrator is using it, you will receive the following message:

A customization is currently in progress.

If you want to cancel the current customization, you can reset the View Builder. See How to Reset the View Builder for details.

Note: Do not use your browser's Back and Forward buttons to navigate in the View Builder. Instead, use the links provided on the left side of the View Builder.

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Procedure: How to Open the View Builder to Customize a View
  1. Click Business Intelligence Dashboard View Builder from the WebFOCUS Welcome page (http://webserver/ibi_apps/).


    Click the View Builder button on the toolbar when you are in the Managed Reporting area of Developer Studio.


    Type the following URL in your Web browser:




    Is the name of the Web Server and optional port number (specified only if you are not using the default port number) where the WebFOCUS Web application is deployed.


    Is the site-customized context root for the WebFOCUS Web application deployed on your Application Server. The default value is ibi_apps.

    The WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Dashboard Index page opens.

    Alternatively you can type:


    to directly access the View Builder Login page (bypassing the Index page).

  2. From the Index page, click WebFOCUS BI Dashboard View Builder Login Page.

    If you used the alternative method to directly access the Login page, skip this step.

  3. From the Login page, enter your user ID and password.
  4. Click Logon to open the Public Views window.

    If you want to customize a group view, click Group Views.

  5. Select the check box next to the public or group view you want to customize.
  6. Click Edit Look.

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Procedure: How to Reset the View Builder
  1. Click Reset View Builder from the window that displays the error message.

    The Login to Reset Customization window opens.

  2. Enter your user ID and password, then click Logon and the following message displays:
    WebFOCUS BI Dashboard ViewBuilder customization session ended.
  3. Click View Builder Login.
  4. Enter your user ID and password again, then click Logon.

Note: When you disconnect the previously connected session, any customizations that were in progress will be lost.