WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Managing Dashboard > Managing Users

Managing Users

In this section:

How to:

You can manage user's views (public, group, and personal) from the View Builder. The Manage Users option allows you to view and update the content of the user's personal pages and the look of their Dashboard view.

Changing, or reassigning, a user's view and content is useful when you want to update the look or the content of a view without having to start over from scratch. It's also useful if a user changes groups and you need to update their view and/or content for example, from the Human Resources group page to the Accounting group page.

The Manage Users window provides the following information:

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Procedure: How to Edit User Content
  1. From the View Builder, click Manage Users.
  2. Select the user you want to edit content for and click Edit Content.

    The Content Window opens.

  3. Edit content as necessary.
  4. Click Manage Users to save changes and return to the Manage Users window.

Note: You can only edit content for one view at a time.

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Procedure: How to Reassign a User's View
  1. From the View Builder, click Manage Users.
  2. Select the user or users you want to reassign.
  3. Click Reassign.
  4. Select the new view look from the drop-down list.
  5. If you want to replace the user's content with the content from the new view, click the Replace User Content with View Content check box.

    When you replace content, the user still has access to all of the domains (and the items in those domains) they are assigned to. Only Dashboard specific items are replaced, such as content pages and content blocks. The user's Favorites and Recent lists are cleared when you select the Replace User Content with View Content check box.

  6. Click Submit.

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Procedure: How to Remove Users From Dashboard

Note: This only removes the user from Dashboard, not Managed Reporting. If a user is logged in to Dashboard when you remove the user from Dashboard using the View Builder Manage Users page, a HTTP 500 error is displayed in the browser window. If the user logs in to Dashboard again, they will be added to the Manage Users list again.

  1. From the View Builder, click Manage Users.
  2. Select the user or users you want to remove.
  3. Click Remove.
  4. Click OK to the confirmation pop-up dialog box.

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Setting an ID and Password for the Public User

If you choose to restrict a public user's access to WebFOCUS Managed Reporting by setting a password when the public user is created, that password must also be stored in Dashboard to allow the user to view the public pages without entering a password. Setting the password is optional. However, if the password is set in WebFOCUS Managed Reporting, it must also be set in Dashboard to the same value.

Dashboard administrators can select a specific Managed Reporting user ID and password other than Public that is used to access Dashboard Public views.

When a Public view opens in a browser, Dashboard logs into Managed Reporting with a default user ID and password that you can set in the View Builder. The public user ID and password are stored in the file:


If a user attempts to login from the Dashboard login page with the Managed Reporting user ID that has been designated as the public user in Dashboard, a message (19102) appears.

Anytime public user credentials are changed outside of Dashboard's scope, the changes must be propagated to Dashboard using the View Builder. This includes changes to the user ID or password used to connect the public user to Managed Reporting or the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. If the changes are not reflected in the View Builder, the public user will not use the updated credentials when connecting to Dashboard.

Note that Dashboard issues public sign-on requests when a public page is opened if any or all of the following conditions are met:


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Procedure: How to Set the Public User ID and Password
  1. From the Public Views window in the Dashboard ViewBuilder, click Public User.

  2. Type the user ID and password, and confirm the password in the designated text boxes.
  3. Click Save.

Note: The user ID and password are stored in encrypted format in the worp_mre.mpd file in the directory WebFOCUS76/worp/conf.

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Setting a Server User ID and Password for the Public User

In the View Builder, you can set a user ID and password for the public user to connect to the default WebFOCUS Reporting Server without having to enter login information. Setting a user ID and password is optional. However, to allow public access to the default WebFOCUS Reporting Server through Dashboard without requiring a login window, a value must be set here. For details on setting the WebFOCUS server user ID and password in the server profile files, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual.

The user ID and password entered here will be used for connecting to the default WebFOCUS Reporting Server. To set a different user ID and password to connect to alternate servers, the user ID and password must be set in the server profile. For details, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual.


The following image shows the WebFOCUS Server Connection window containing text boxes for User ID, Password, and Confirm Password.

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Procedure: How to Set the Public User ID and Password for the Server
  1. From the View Builder, click Server.
  2. Enter the user ID in the Enter User ID input box.
  3. Enter the password in the Enter Password input box.
  4. Enter the password again in the Confirm Password input box.
  5. Click Save and a message appears indicating the user ID and password have been successfully saved.

    The user ID and password are stored in encrypted format in the worp_eda.epd file in the directory WebFOCUS76/worp/conf.