WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Managing Dashboard > Logging On to Dashboard and View Inheritance
In this section: |
Dashboard users log on to Dashboard and inherit the look and content of views in different ways depending on where they log on from, whether they are logging on for the first time or subsequent times, and whether the GoToPersonalViewOnLogin setting in the bid-config.xml file, located in the WebFOCUS76\worp\conf directory, is set to "true" or "false".
Users can log on to Dashboard using the:
The following processing takes place when a user, who is not a Library Only User, logs on to Dashboard.
First Time Logon to Dashboard (GoToPersonalViewOnLogin=true)
Users who:
For all methods of logging on to Dashboard for the first time, the inherited view is copied to the user's folder created in the worp_users directory upon logon. Additionally, users who click the Views link have access to all of the group views accessible to them.
Subsequent Logons to Dashboard (GoToPersonalViewOnLogin=true)
Users with access to any number of, or no, group views are logged on to their own personal view.
First Time Logon to Dashboard (GoToPersonalViewOnLogin=false)
Users with:
Note: For users with access to multiple group views who log on from a public view, clicking the My View link logs users on to their own personal view which inherits the look and content of that public view.
For all methods of logging on to Dashboard for the first time, the inherited view is copied to the user's folder created in the worp_users directory upon logon.
Subsequent Logons to Dashboard (GoToPersonalViewOnLogin=false)
Users with:
The following scenario shows the processing that takes place when a Library Only User logs on to Dashboard. The behavior is the same for all logon attempts including the first logon, subsequent logons, and whether the GoToPersonalViewOnLogin setting in the bid-config.xml file is set to "true" or "false".
Users with:
For all of the above methods of logging on to Dashboard for Library Only Users, a user's folder is not created in the worp_users directory.