WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Managing Dashboard > Managing Public Views

Managing Public Views

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Public views allow you to publish information on the Web and allow users to view reports and other information without having to log in. There are two types of public views:

Custom and public views can be made secure through the addition of Web server security. To increase security on public views so that each public page has access only to the intended information, you can restrict the public pages on the HTML files that display the view. For details, see Creating Public and Group Views.

In addition, since the information in each public view (general or custom) may not be relevant to every public user who connects to Dashboard, you may want to prohibit certain functionalities by excluding the display of available domains from the general and custom public views. In other words, you control the information a public user can view. To manage access so that users only see relevant information:

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Managing Library Access in a Public View

Dashboard public pages include static content retrieved from the Report Library repository. This eliminates the need for the public page to execute a report each time the page is viewed. This functionality is implemented by increasing the capabilities of the public user from within Dashboard.

If a Managed Reporting user, designated as a public user, has Library privileges, the Dashboard allows those privileges to be surfaced in a public view and also when a developer is building content pages for the public user.

A user who is designated as a public user must have Library privileges to view output. Library content is displayed on the public page only if the content is available to the public user. Dashboard works within the constraints applied to user access of reports and does not override any access limitations imposed by the Report Library.

The available Library content includes the Library tab as a content page and Library content added to a Launch, Output or List block.