WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Introducing WebFOCUS Managed Reporting > Setting Up a WebFOCUS Environment

Setting Up a WebFOCUS Environment

In this section:

A WebFOCUS environment consists of a Web server, a WebFOCUS Client, and WebFOCUS Reporting Servers. To add a WebFOCUS environment, you specify a Web server containing the WebFOCUS Client and the connection method it uses (servlet, CGI, or ISAPI). Developer Studio then finds all of the WebFOCUS Reporting Servers that the WebFOCUS Client can access.

You add WebFOCUS environments and edit existing environments in Developer Studio using the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box or the Explorer tree itself. Use either of these approaches to create and manage additional environments, such as test and production.

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Working With Environment Properties

When you set up access to WebFOCUS environments, your settings are retained when you restart or even reinstall Developer Studio. WebFOCUS environment settings are normally stored in:

drive:\Documents and Settings\user_id\Application Data\
Information Builders\wfscom.xml



Is your logged on Windows ID.


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Procedure: How to Add a WebFOCUS Environment

Note: You can also add a WebFOCUS Environment by right-clicking WebFOCUS Environments on the Developer Studio Explorer and selecting Add.

  1. Select the File menu and choose Show Environments. The Environments List dialog box opens as shown in the following image.

    This dialog lists all the WebFOCUS Environments defined for Developer Studio, which may already be defined if previously installed. If not installed, only the localhost environment exists. To edit an existing environment, select it and click Properties.

    Note: The Set Development Environment button does not pertain to Managed Reporting and is only used for a self-service deployment paradigm.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box opens as shown in the following image. At the top part of the dialog box is the Description text box followed by the Environment Settings section where you will find up to six clickable objects. At the bottom part of the dialog box are two sections, Web Component and Web Component Authentication. In the Web Component section, you enter the IP Address (hostname), select Protocol type, enter Port number information, and optionally supply an HTML Alias. In the Web Component Authentication section, you enter User ID and Password information.

    Use the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box to define which components make up the environment. You can optionally enter authentication information for components that require logon credentials.

  3. At the top of the window, type a Description for the WebFOCUS environment. This description will appear in the Developer Studio Explorer under WebFOCUS Environments.

    As shown in the following image, the top area contains a series of buttons, arranged in a diagram, each of which depicts one component in the WebFOCUS environment. The Web Components button is selected by default. Note that the Project Development Environment Settings are only available in the full edition of Developer Studio.

  4. At the bottom of the Web Environment Properties page, specify the information needed to access the Web server.

    For some environments, after you specify the Web server, all other options are set by default. If the WebFOCUS environment you are accessing does not use default settings or the components require authentication, click the appropriate button in the top pane to provide parameters. The sections that follow explain the parameters available for each component.

    Note: WebFOCUS environment properties must be supplied in a particular order. For example, if Web server security is enabled, you cannot set the WebFOCUS Client script name until you have provided valid Web server credentials. Similarly, you cannot retrieve a list of WebFOCUS Reporting Servers until you have provided a valid WebFOCUS Client Path. As you select a component button in the dialog box, Developer Studio ensures that it has the necessary information before it displays that component's properties in the lower part of the dialog box. If the required information is not available, you will not be able to proceed to the next component.

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Local Machine Properties

Local Machine properties are optional. You can select the Local Machine button to indicate whether to cache files when accessing the WebFOCUS environment.

The following image shows the WebFOCUS Environment Caching section of the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box.

In caching, copies of files or information stored on a remote machine are temporarily stored on your local Developer Studio machine. Developer Studio then works with the locally stored files. Caching speeds Developer Studio performance because remote machines are not accessed and queried every time you request information. This is especially useful when accessing mainframes or when a network connection is slow. However, caching should not be used when multiple developers are working with the same files because the possibility exists that you may overwrite each others changes. By default, caching is not enabled.

Two properties are available:

Developer Studio retrieves information and files the first time you request them and then caches them locally. Developer Studio then uses the cached copies until Developer Studio is restarted or you click the Clear buttons for each level. You can perform a manual refresh and clear all cache files by clicking View, then Refresh, or by pressing F5. Refresh is performed for the area that is selected in the Explorer when you perform this action.


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Web Component Properties

The Web Components button is normally selected by default. Web Component properties specify how Developer Studio accesses the Web server. The Web server must be identified before any other components. The following image shows the Web Component section of the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box.

The following properties are available:

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WebFOCUS Client Properties

When you click the WebFOCUS Client button, Developer Studio makes a connection to your Web server to retrieve information about the WebFOCUS environment. Therefore, you must first specify Web Component properties and your Web server must be running. The following image shows the WebFOCUS Client section of the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box.

Note: If the Client Path field is empty and the Use Default option is selected, there is a problem connecting to the WebFOCUS Client. Ensure your Web server is started and that you typed the correct properties on the Web Components page. If you cannot connect, contact your WebFOCUS Administrator.

The following properties are available:

When the correct WebFOCUS Client Path is provided, you can specify properties for the remaining component.

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Managed Reporting/ReportCaster Properties

If you plan to work with Managed Reporting (MR) and/or ReportCaster, you can optionally select the Managed Reporting/ReportCaster button. This allows you to set logon credentials or change the default Managed Reporting repository.

This feature is not applicable to the Power Reporter edition of Developer Studio.

The following image shows the Managed Reporting Repository section of the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box.

The following properties are available:

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Data Server Properties

You can set authentication and view available WebFOCUS Reporting Servers by clicking the Data Servers button. When you select Data Servers, Developer Studio connects to the WebFOCUS Client and retrieves a list of servers from its communication configuration file (odin.cfg).

The following image shows the WebFOCUS Servers section of the WebFOCUS Environment Properties dialog box.

The following property is available:

Supply Credentials. If checked, you can type a WebFOCUS Server ID and password for the server highlighted in the list. Clicking Set stores the credentials with the environment properties, and the ID entered is shown next to the server in the list. The credentials are checked the next time you use a feature on that server, not when you click the Set button.

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Project Development Properties

Project development is not a feature supported by Managed Reporting. For more information about this feature, see Project Development Properties in the Introducing WebFOCUS and Developer Studio chapter in the Developer Studio Application Development Getting Started manual.