WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Analyzing Data in an OLAP Report > Adding and Removing Dimensions

Adding and Removing Dimensions

How to:

Since all of the values in a dimensions hierarchy are available in an OLAP report, you can add dimensions to the OLAP report at any time, without returning to the original report request. You can add dimensions from:

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Procedure: How to Add a Dimension Element From the Control Panel
  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Select a report layout pane(Drill Down or Drill Across) to indicate how you want the new sort dimension to be used in the report.
  3. Expand a dimension in the Dimensions pane at the top of the window, then click the dimension element you want to add to the designated layout pane. The new dimension is added to the bottom of the list.
  4. If you wish to change the position of the new sort field, click the up arrow to reposition it.
  5. Click Run to execute your report with the new settings.

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Example: Adding a Dimension Element From the Control Panel

The following is an example of adding a dimension element from the Control Panel.

  1. Run the Standard Report OLAPREP2.

    Initially the report is sorted by quarter, store, and product type as shown in the following image.

    You want to sort by month within each quarter.

  2. Click the square button next to QUARTER to open the Control Panel.
  3. In the Control Panel:
    1. Click in the Drill Down panel to activate the buttons immediately above the pane.
    2. Expand the Time Period dimension and click MONTH. It is added to the bottom of the Drill Down list.
    3. Click the Shift Up arrow twice to move MONTH below QUARTER as shown in the following image.

  4. Click the Run button at the bottom of the Control Panel.

    The report is now sorted by quarter, month, store, and product type as shown in the following image.

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Procedure: How to Delete a Dimension Element From the Report

Right-click the dimension column you wish to remove and choose Delete from the menu.

The report runs automatically.

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Example: Deleting a Dimension Element From the Report

The following is an example of deleting a dimension element from the report.

  1. Run the Standard Report OLAPREP2.

    Initially the report is sorted by quarter, store, and product type. You wish to remove PRODTYPE as a sort category.

  2. Right-click the PRODTYPE column and choose Delete from the menu as shown in the following image.

    Note: The options available may vary, depending on your OLAP format settings. For more information, see Setting OLAP Reporting Options.

    The report runs automatically. The new report is sorted by quarter and store as shown in the following image.

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Procedure: How to Delete a Dimension Element From the Control Panel
  1. Select the element in the Drill Down or Drill Across pane. The buttons above the pane become active.
  2. Click Remove . The element is deleted from the Drill Down or Drill Across pane.
  3. Click Run to see the new report.

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Example: Deleting a Dimension Element From the Control Panel

The following is an example of deleting a dimension element from the Control Panel.

  1. Run the Standard Report OLAPREP2.

    Initially the report is sorted by quarter, store, and product type. You wish to remove PRODTYPE as a sort category.

  2. Click the square icon button next to QUARTER to open the Control Panel.
  3. Select PRODTYPE in the Drill Down pane as shown in the following image.

  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. Click the Run button at the bottom of the Control Panel.

    The new report is sorted by quarter and store as shown in the following image.