WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Analyzing Data in an OLAP Report > Visualizing Trends

Visualizing Trends

How to:

To make your reports more powerful, you can insert visual representations of selected data directly into the report output. These visual representations, which appear as a column of vertical or horizontal bar graphs adjacent to the numeric data, make relationships and trends among data more obvious.

You can apply data visualization graphs to selected measures from:

For details about data visualization graphs, see Visualizing Trends in Reports.

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Procedure: How to Add a Column of Bar Graphs for a Numeric Measure

The quickest way to apply data visualization graphics is from the report itself:

  1. Right-click the title of a measure column.
  2. Choose Visualization from the menu.

The report runs automatically, displaying a column of bar graphs following the selected measures column.

Tip: To remove the bar graphs, right-click the measure column title and choose Remove Visualization from the menu.

For other methods of applying bar graphs to columns, see Visualizing Trends in Reports.