WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Graph With Graph Assistant > Running, Saving, and Printing Your Graph

Running, Saving, and Printing Your Graph

In this section:

How to:


When you run your graph, you may print the output directly from the browser.

Note: If your graph labels or legends are not appearing correctly when you run your graph, see How to Change Color Settings for details on correcting this.

If you log off Managed Reporting without first closing the HTML Graph Assistant, you must manually close the tool.

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Procedure: How to Save Your Graph From the Graph Assistant
  1. Click Save or Save As from the Graph Assistant.
  2. From the Save New Standard Report dialog box, enter a name for the graph.

Note: If you are editing an existing graph, clicking Save will automatically save the edits to the current graph file. You will not be prompted to name the file again.

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Procedure: How to Save Your Graph to a File

Note: You must create a FileDef before you save a graph to a file. This is where the file will be saved to. For details, see the Developing Reporting Applications manual.

  1. Click the Properties tab of the Graph Assistant.
  2. Click the Options subtab.
  3. Select File from the Output to list box.
  4. Type the filename in the Name text box.
  5. Select either HPNG, JPEG, GIF, PDF/SVG, or PDF/GIF from the format list box. The default is PNG.
  6. Click Run. The output file is saved in the directory specified in the FileDef if the IBIJAVAPATH has been set as a system environmental variable. Otherwise, the output appears in the browser in the specified format. From the browser you can save the graph on your local system.

Note: You may open your output file by selecting Open from the File menu in your browser.

When saving a graph as a GIF file, if the graph contains a second horizontal category (that is a horizontal field that produces multiple graphs), the value in the HEADING will not be saved as part of the GIF file. Instead, the horizontal field name will be embedded in the graph's page heading to identify the graph.

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Reference: Saving Options

When you click the Save or Save As button you save your report (procedure). If you make changes in your report without subsequently saving them and then click Quit, you are prompted with the following options:

Note: In the HTML Graph Assistant, if you close the window by clicking the X, your changes will not be saved.

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Procedure: How to Run Your Graph

After creating your graph in the Graph Assistant, click Run from any tab in the Graph Assistant to view your graph output.

When running graphs in GIF format on a UNIX platform with the HEADLESS configuration, the graph may not appear properly. You may see a red X instead of your image. This is due to Sun's methodology of creating images without a head, which does not currently support GIF images.

Note: Running applet graphs in the HTML Graph Assistant with the setting GRAPHENGINE=OLD works with both Sun's and Microsoft's VM. Applet graphs with the setting GRAPHENGINE=NEW work only with Sun's VM. If you have a graph with the setting GRAPHENGINE=NEW and you are using Microsoft VM, you should either update your Java Plug-in or change your GRAPHENGINE setting.

GRAPHENGINE=NEW and GRAPHEDIT=ON are mutually exclusive. If you specify GRAPHEDIT=ON and GRAPHENGINE=NEW, you get an error message stating that GRAPHEDIT=ON is not supported with GRAPHENGINE=NEW.

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Procedure: How to Print Your Graph
  1. Run your graph.
  2. From the browser, select Print from the File menu.

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Procedure: How to Send Graph Output Directly to a Printer
  1. From the Properties tab, click the Options subtab.
  2. Select Printer from the Output list box.

    You do not need to provide a name or select a format.

  3. Click Run.

    The graph prints to your default printer setting.

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Procedure: How to Change Color Settings
  1. From the Windows Control Panel, select Display.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Color palette box, click the drop-down arrow and select True Color (32 bit) or a higher color count.
  4. Click OK.

If you use different color settings from this recommended value, your graphs may appear in grayscale format.

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Graph Display Formats

Following are descriptions of the graph display formats:

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Reference: Choosing Formats for Output to the Screen, a File, or Printer

When you create or edit a graph in Graph Assistant, you can choose among these formats in the Output section in the Options tab. If you are designating Output To the Screen, all options listed in Graph Display Formats are available, as shown in the Format drop-down list.

The following image shows the Options subtab.

If you are designating Output to File, the PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG options are available.

The following image shows the Output section of the Options subtab with the Output to File option selected.

If you are designating Output to a Printer, the PNG, GIF, and SVG options also are available.

The following image shows the Output section of the Options tab with the Output to Printer option selected.