WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Report With Report Assistant > Accessing HTML Report Assistant

Accessing HTML Report Assistant

In this section:

You can access the HTML Report Assistant through Dashboard, Managed Reporting, or as a self-service application.

HTML Report Assistant is accessible:

Before Report Assistant opens, you may be prompted to supply a WebFOCUS Reporting Server ID. For more information, see Signing on to a Server.

For information about running the HTML Report Assistant outside of Managed Reporting, see Report Assistant Parameters and Methods in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Developer's Manual.

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Selecting the Master File in Report Assistant

To choose the Master File to work with, select the file and click OK. To search for a specific Master File, use the scroll bar.

The following image shows the Browse Data dialog box containing available data descriptions for selection.

In a self-service version, you can also type the first character of the name of the Master File anywhere in the list to jump to the name of that Master File.