WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Power Painter > Customizing the Power Painter Environment

Customizing the Power Painter Environment

In this section:

After the objects are in the canvas, you can customize the layout properties, alignment options, and page to configure the canvas for precise output. You can also adjust the work area and change the theme of the Power Painter environment.

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Setting Preferences

When you access the Edit menu and select Preferences, the following dialog box appears where you can set preferences for various defaults.

The Preferences dialog contains a General tab and a Reports and Graphs tab. The General tab enables you to select Output Format, Page Orientation, and Page Size options. The Reports and Graphs tab enables you to select a Preview option and set a Record Limit for both reports and graphs, select a Default Stylesheet for reports, and select a Default Template for graphs.

Note: These settings do not affect the current Power Painter session. The new settings are applied the next time Power Painter is opened.

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Setting Field Display Options

When you access the View menu and select Field Display Options, another menu opens providing you with options to display fields as a Name, Alias, Title, or Description. You can also choose the Prefix with option to prefix fields with a filename or segment name.

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Adjusting the Layout of Objects in the Canvas

You can use the main toolbar and the Layout menu to adjust the layout of objects in the Power Painter canvas. The following layout options are available:

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Reference: Showing Grids, Rulers, and Guides in the Canvas

The following image shows the Layout menu in Power Painter.

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Reference: Aligning and Sizing Objects in the Canvas

You can align objects relative to one another or to the canvas. Alignment options are available from the Layout menu or from the main toolbar.

  • Align objects to the page by using the align options from the main toolbar.
  • Align multiple objects to each other using the Align Items option from the Layout menu.
  • Size objects to be the same size by using the Size Items option from the Layout menu.
  • Use the Relative Positioning options to maintain the relative position of the objects to each other at run time. The Relative Positioning options are Relate Objects, and Show Relationships-available from the main toolbar or Layout menu.

The following image shows the main toolbar in Power Painter.

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Adjusting the Power Painter Work Area

Click anywhere on the canvas and select the Document properties palette to adjust the document properties.

Data preview

Shows live data or sample data for reports and graphs.

Note: By default, sample data is shown in the Power Painter canvas.

Design Record Limit

Sets the number or records to be shown when gathering data for reports and graphs.

Note: The default record limit value for the report is 500.

Flow margin: bottom

Sets the bottom margin for flowing reports.

Flow margin: top

Sets the top margin for flowing reports.

Output format

Enables you to select the output format from the following options: PDF, DHTML, Power Point, Active Report, or Excel.

Page orientation

Sets the page orientation of the document. Select either Portrait or Landscape.

Note: Portrait is the default page orientation.

Page size

Sets the page size of the document. Use the drop-down list to select a page orientation option.

Note: Letter is the default page orientation.


Specifies the unit of measurements for the tool. Select Inches, Centimeters, or Points.

Note: Inches is the default unit of measurement.

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Changing the Theme of the Power Painter Environment

Power Painter enables you to customize your environment for seamless integration with your organization's color scheme.

From the View menu, select Theme to access the available skins to choose from.

The Power Painter environment changes to the theme of the environment that you have selected.