WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Dashboard > Searching Domains

Searching Domains

In this section:

The domain search allows you to perform specific searches of the domains available to you. You can perform basic and advanced searches, and combine the available search options.

You can add items from a domain search to your favorites list directly from the search results window. You can also use domain search when creating content blocks to quickly find items.

Access the domain search by selecting the Utilities hyperlink in the banner and then Domain Search from the menu.

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Basic Search

Basic searches allow you to search for items within a domain. Search options include:

The following image shows a sample search window. The search options are on the left, and the search results are on the right.

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Advanced Search

Advanced searches allow you to specify additional search criteria. You can specify the following in an advanced search (in addition to all of the basic search options):

The format of the date and time shown in the Domain Search Results window, and in the Modified since panel, are based on your system setting.

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Procedure: How to Search a Domain
  1. From Dashboard, click Utilities.
  2. Select Domain Search. The search window displays in a separate browser window.
  3. If necessary, click Advanced Search for more options.
  4. Select the domain you wish to search from the drop-down list, or select All Domains.
  5. Enter the text string you wish to search for in the text box.
  6. Click the option buttons and check boxes next to the desired search options. For details on basic search options, see Basic Search. For details on advanced search options, see Advanced Search.
  7. Click Search to search your domains, or Reset to reset all of the search options to the default values.

    As shown in the following image, search results are returned in a list block on the right side of the window. The list contains the item title, item type, the date, and the path information. You can sort the results using the arrows in the title bars. You can add items from the search results window directly to your favorites list.

  8. Close the window to exit the search.