WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Using Dashboard > Opening Dashboard

Opening Dashboard

In this section:

How to:


There are several views in the Dashboard environment:

The first time you log on to the Dashboard, you inherit the look and content of the Dashboard view that you log on from. This happens only the first time you log on; each time you log on after that, Dashboard will look the same. For example, if you log on for the first time from a:

For more information on view inheritance, see the Managing Dashboard chapter in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator’s Manual.

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Reference: Considerations When Logging On to Dashboard

When you log on to Dashboard, you are prompted to enter your Managed Reporting user ID and password. Your administrator may have set up your environment so that you are also prompted for a WebFOCUS server user ID and password.

Multiple logons for a single user are available using the Dashboard main logon page and View Builder.

The URL for accessing the Dashboard logon page is:




Is the host name and optional port number (specified only if you are not using the default port number) where the WebFOCUS Web application is deployed.


Is the site-customized context root for the WebFOCUS Web application deployed on your Application Server. The default value is ibi_apps.

Note: Information Builders recommends that users do not share user IDs when using features that assign ownership of content or access to information based on the Managed Reporting user ID. The features that fall into this area are Deferred Reporting and ReportCaster. Within ReportCaster there are many considerations in the area of ownership of schedules, distribution lists, access lists, Report Library access to view reports, and distribution of reports to Managed Reporting. Another area of consideration is tracing and debugging because when you are looking for the actions of a user that has multiple users using the same user ID, isolating the problem becomes more difficult.

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Procedure: How to Open a Public or Group View
  1. Enter the following URL in your browser to open the WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Dashboard index page:


    If you know the name of the page you want to go to enter:

    For public views: http://hostname[:port]/wf_context_root/bid/viewname_mpv

    For group views: http://hostname[:port]/wf_context_root/bid/viewname_gbv



    Is the host name and optional port number (specified only if you are not using the default port number) where the WebFOCUS Web application is deployed.


    Is the site-customized context root for the WebFOCUS Web application deployed on your Application Server. The default value is ibi_apps.


    Is the name of the view given to you by your administrator.


    Indicates a public view.


    Indicates a group view.

  2. Click Public Views or Group Views.
  3. Click the public or group view you want to view.

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Procedure: How to Log On to a Personalized View of Dashboard
  1. From a Dashboard public view, click Login or enter the following URL in your Web browser:



    Is the host name and optional port number (specified only if you are not using the default port number) where the WebFOCUS Web application is deployed.


    Is the site-customized context root for the WebFOCUS Web application deployed on your Application Server. The default value is ibi_apps.

  2. Enter a valid Managed Reporting user ID and password.
  3. Click Submit. Your personalized view of Dashboard opens.

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Procedure: How to Change Your Password
  1. On the Dashboard logon page, click Change Password.

    The Password Change dialog box opens.

    1. In the User ID input box, type your user ID.
    2. In the Password input box, type your current password.
    3. In the New Password input box, type your new password.
    4. In the Confirm Password input box, retype your new password.
  2. Click Submit.

    A confirmation window displays a message indicating that your password was successfully changed.

Note: If you change your password in Dashboard, it also changes for Managed Reporting.

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Library Only User Logon

Library Only Users and other Managed Reporting users log on to their respective Group Views using the same URL. The Library Only Group View is only accessible to a named user and only through a Group View.

Each Library Only User should be a member of only one group. Library content is retrieved based on user ID, not based on Group membership, and access to Library content by a Library Only User is the same for all groups of which the user is a member.

Note: In some applications, it may be important to differentiate the Library content that is available in Dashboard Content blocks using different Group Views. In this case, the Library Only User can use the Views banner link to navigate from one Group View to another.

Library Only Users do not have access to the Managed Reporting interface.