WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Creating Graphs With Advanced Graph Assistant > Accessing Advanced Graph Assistant

Accessing Advanced Graph Assistant

How to:

When Advanced Graph Assistant opens, the tool appears, as shown in the following image.

You can access the powerful, user-friendly Advanced Graph Assistant graph tool in multiple ways from the following WebFOCUS areas:

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Procedure: How to Access Advanced Graph Assistant From Managed Reporting Domain Builder

You can access Advanced Graph Assistant from Domain Builder in the Managed Reporting Applet interface when creating a new Standard Report procedure.

  1. In Domain Builder, right-click a Standard Reports Group, select New Standard Report, and click Advanced Graph Assistant, as shown in the following image.

    The New Standard Report dialog box opens.

  2. Type a graph name in the Name field of the dialog, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click the File button to the right of the Data File field to browse for a data source.

    Note: If you know the exact name of the desired data source, you can type it in the Data File field, and then skip the next step.

  4. In the Browse Data dialog box that opens, select the desired data source, as shown in the following image, then click OK.

  5. Click OK, and the Advanced Graph Assistant opens.

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Procedure: How to Access Advanced Graph Assistant From Managed Reporting Domains in Developer Studio

You can access Advanced Graph Assistant from Managed Reporting domains in Developer Studio when creating a new Standard Report procedure.

  1. Expand the tree structure in Developer Studio, and log on to the Managed Reporting domains environment.
  2. Select a domain, and expand the Standard Reports folder.
  3. Right-click a Standard Report Group folder, select New, and select Procedure, as shown in the following image.

    The New Standard Report Procedure dialog box opens.

  4. Type a File name for the procedure and select Advanced Graph Assistant from the Create with drop-down list, as shown in the following image.

  5. Click the Create button.

    The WebFOCUS Table List dialog box opens.

  6. Select a data source and click OK.

    The Advanced Graph Assistant opens.

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Procedure: How to Access Advanced Graph Assistant From Procedures in a Developer Studio Local Environment

You can access Advanced Graph Assistant in Developer Studio when creating a new Procedure in a local project.

  1. In Developer Studio, right-click the Procedures folder, select New, and select Procedure.

    The Add Procedure dialog box opens.

  2. Type a File name for the procedure and select Advanced Graph Assistant from the Create with drop-down list, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click Open.

    The Open (data source) dialog box opens.

  4. Select a data source and click Open.

    The Advanced Graph Assistant opens.

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Procedure: How to Access Advanced Graph Assistant From Procedure Viewer in a Developer Studio Local Environment

You can access Advanced Graph Assistant in Developer Studio from Procedure Viewer in a local environment.

  1. Open an existing procedure in Developer Studio.

    The Procedure Viewer opens.

  2. Click a diamond in Procedure Viewer and select Advanced Graph from the pop-up menu, as shown in the following image.

    The Open (data source) dialog box opens.

  3. Select a data source and click Open.

    The Advanced Graph Assistant opens.

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Procedure: How to Access Advanced Graph Assistant From Procedures in a Developer Studio Remote Environment

You can access Advanced Graph Assistant in Developer Studio when creating a new Procedure, while working in a remote environment.

  1. Expand the tree structure in Developer Studio and open an application folder in a remote environment.
  2. Right-click the Procedures folder and select New Procedure.

    The New Procedure File dialog box opens.

  3. Type a File name for the procedure and select Advanced Graph Assistant from the Create with drop-down list, as shown in the following image.

    Click Create.

    The WebFOCUS Table List dialog box opens.

  4. Select a data source and click OK.

    The Advanced Graph Assistant opens.

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Procedure: How to Access Advanced Graph Assistant From QuickLinks in Developer Studio

While working in Developer Studio, you can access Advanced Graph Assistant from the QuickLinks dialog box, which opens by default when you launch Developer Studio.

  1. If the QuickLinks dialog box is not displayed, click View at the top of the Developer Studio window, then select Quick Links.

    The QuickLinks dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

  2. In the Reports and Applications section of the QuickLinks dialog box, click Create a new graph to access Advanced Graph Assistant.

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Procedure: How to Open Graph Assistant Graphs With Advanced Graph Assistant

You can access Advanced Graph Assistant from a Standard Reports graph that was previously created with the Graph Assistant graph tool.

  1. In a Standard Reports folder, right-click a graph created with Graph Assistant.

    The right-click pop-up menu opens, as shown in the following image.

  2. Select Open With, then select Advanced Graph Assistant from the pop-up menu that appears to the right.