WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Creating Reporting Objects > Creating an Application Object

Creating an Application Object

How to:


Application Objects are pre-built, sort and verb object code created to enable users to easily create complex requests. An Application Object can be a sort field including any sorting options, or a verb object or list of verb objects, including data fields and computes.

Note: Application Objects are not supported in the HTML Graph Assistant or Power Painter.

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Procedure: How to Create an Application Object (Sort)
  1. Open the Reporting Object in which you want to add the Application Object.
  2. In the browser, select Application Objects and, in the Reporting Object window, click Open.

    In Developer Studio, right-click Application Object and select Open.

    The Application Object dialog box opens.

  3. Click New Sort.

    The Application Object (Sort) dialog box opens.

  4. Select the sort type: By, Across, or Ranked.
  5. In the Enter Sort Phrase text box, type the field name to sort by.

    You can use any sort phrase options when you are creating an Application Object, such as: HIGHEST, LOWEST, IN-GROUPS-OF, TILES. For complete details on sorting options, see the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.


    • You can have only one sort field per Application Object.
    • ON TABLE commands are not supported in Application Objects.
  6. Type a description.

    This is the description that the user sees when they are using the Reporting Object. It is beneficial to be as specific as possible.

  7. Click Validate. If there are:
    • No errors in your syntax, the Check dialog box appears indicating that no errors were found.
    • Errors in your syntax, the Check dialog box lists the error(s). For details on reporting syntax, see the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.
  8. When your syntax is validated, click OK to exit the Application Object (Sort) dialog box.

    The object appears in the Sort Objects (Sort) list.

  9. Click OK to exit the Application Object (Sort) dialog box.

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Procedure: How to Create an Application Object (Verb)
  1. Open the Reporting Object in which you want to add the Application Object.
  2. In the browser, select Application Object and, in the Reporting Object window, click Open.

    In Developer Studio, right-click Application Object and select Open.

    The Application Object dialog box opens.

  3. Click New Verb Object.

    The Application Object (Verb) dialog box opens.

  4. In the Enter a space-delimited list of fields or amper variables field, type your syntax. See Application Objects (Verb) Usage Notes.
  5. Type a description.

    This is the description that the user sees when they are using the Reporting Object. It is recommended to be as specific as possible.

  6. Click Validate. If there are:
    • No syntax errors, the Check dialog box appears indicating no errors were found.
    • Errors in your syntax, the Check dialog box lists the error(s). For details on reporting syntax, see the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.
  7. When your syntax is validated, click OK to exit the Application Object (Verb) dialog box.

    The object appears in the Verb Objects list.

  8. Click OK to exit the Application Object (Verb) dialog box.

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Reference: Application Objects (Verb) Usage Notes

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Procedure: How to Edit an Application Object
  1. Open the Reporting Object and double-click Application Objects.

    The Application Objects dialog box opens.

  2. From the Sort Objects or Verb Objects list, click the object.
  3. Click Edit and make any necessary modifications.
  4. If you have made syntax edits, click Validate to validate your syntax.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To save your changes, click Done in the Application Objects dialog box, click Done in the Reporting Object dialog box, and click Yes to save changes.

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Procedure: How to Delete an Application Object
  1. Open the Reporting Object and double-click Application Objects.

    The Application Objects dialog box opens.

  2. From the Sort Objects or Verb Objects list, click the object.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click OK.
  5. To save your changes, click Done in the Application Objects dialog box, click Done in the Reporting Object dialog box, and click Yes to save changes.