WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Creating Reporting Objects > Other Component
How to:
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You can use the text editor in the Other component to create and edit reporting object procedures. Access the Other component from the Reporting Objects window.
See the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual for more information about using the WebFOCUS language to code procedures.
The New Reporting Object window opens as shown in the following image. Follow the upcoming steps.
The Reporting Object window opens.
Note: You cannot run a Reporting Object from the text editor. You must click Run in the Reporting Object window or right-click your report in the browser and click Run.
When using Amper Auto prompting, there are scenarios when users are prompted to supply amper variable values in filters they did not select, or users are not prompted to supply amper variable values in filters they did select. These scenarios are directly related to Amper Auto prompting expected behavior and the specification of values for the amper variables in the Reporting Object Other component using -DEFAULT or -SET commands. Setting a default value for amper variables in a report request is recommended to avoid a FOC error for not specifying a value. A consideration for -SET is that Amper Auto prompting does not prompt for amper variables that have values assigned using -SET.
It is recommended that you do not reference a parameter used in a Reporting Object filter in the Reporting Objects Other component. Parameters specified in the Reporting Objects Other component may still be prompted for, as they are evaluated by the WebFOCUS amper auto prompt facility.