WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Developer > Working With Domains and Standard Reports > Ignoring Code in a Procedure (FOCEXEC)

Ignoring Code in a Procedure (FOCEXEC)

How to:

You can instruct WebFOCUS Managed Reporting to not process single lines or blocks of code with the –MRNOEDIT tag.

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Syntax: How to Ignore Code in a Procedure (FOCEXEC)

To instruct Managed Reporting to not process code, use the following:

Note: The focexec_code must fit on the same line.

The syntax above is not part of the FOCUS language. It is used only by Managed Reporting installed on the Web server.

Managed Reporting will not process the lines when evaluating the Managed Reporting procedure prior to sending it to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The lines of code will be passed without the –MRNOEDIT tags to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

By design, amper variables specified within the –MRNOEDIT tags are resolved by Managed Reporting. You should uncheck the procedure property, Prompt for Parameters, if you do not want to be prompted for parameter values when:

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Example: Using Lowercase and Uppercase Syntax With –MRNOEDIT

Both lowercase and uppercase syntax are supported for the –MRNOEDIT tag.


Managed Reporting does not edit the –INCLUDE SERVDEF and does not try to resolve the retrieval of the FOCEXEC from the Managed Reporting Repository. In this case, the –INCLUDE is resolved on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. Therefore, SERVDEF.FEX should reside on the path of the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

-mrnoedit begin
-mrnoedit end

Managed Reporting will not dynamically edit the code within the –MRNOEDIT tags. The code will be passed to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server without the –MRNOEDIT tags and the WebFOCUS Reporting Server will resolve the –INCLUDE as a remote procedure.