WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Managing Deferred Tickets > Managing the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility

Managing the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility

In this section:

The Managed Reporting (MR) Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility (mrdtcleanup) enables a Managed Reporting Administrator to clean up (delete) deferred tickets across all MR users that do not have corresponding report output on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server to which the deferred request was submitted. Running this utility cleans up the deferred tickets (within the specified Managed Reporting Repository) for deferred report output deleted by the WebFOCUS Reporting Server as specified by the dfm_maxage deferred management parameter. The dfm_maxage parameter defines the maximum number of days that deferred reports are kept on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server after they are created.

Additionally, deferred requests submitted to WebFOCUS Reporting Servers that are not defined in the WebFOCUS Client configuration file (odin.cfg) are also deleted. Before running this utility, it is important to confirm that there have not been any WebFOCUS Reporting Server nodes temporarily removed from the WebFOCUS Client's odin.cfg file.

The Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility (mrdtcleanup) is located in the /ibi/WebFOCUS76/utility directory. On Windows, there is a mrdtcleanup.bat file and on UNIX-based platforms there is a mrdtcleanup script file. You can run the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in interactive mode, silent mode, or help mode. Silent mode is useful for overnight batch processing. For information on running the utility in all modes, see Running the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility.

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Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility Processing

The Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility processes the information within a Managed Reporting Repository. Multiple MR repositories can be processed, but each MR Repository is processed individually. All active and inactive MR users' deferred tickets within the specified Managed Reporting Repository are processed.

Each MR user's deferred reports are processed individually, making a single connection to each WebFOCUS Reporting Server to which the user has submitted deferred tickets. If the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is not defined in the WebFOCUS Client Configuration file (odin.cfg), the deferred tickets submitted to that node are deleted from the Managed Reporting Repository because the WebFOCUS Client cannot make a connection to that server to process the user's deferred tickets.

When a successful connection is made to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server, it returns status information for each of the user's deferred tickets submitted to that server. The WebFOCUS Client processes the status information to confirm the existence of deferred report output. Deferred tickets, for which report output does not exist, are deleted from the Managed Reporting Repository.

If the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is defined in the WebFOCUS Client Configuration file (odin.cfg), but the WebFOCUS Client cannot establish a connection, the user's deferred tickets for that WebFOCUS Reporting Server are not deleted. Deferred tickets are only deleted upon confirmation that deferred report output does not exist.

Each time the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility runs, a log file and a backup of each MR user's HTML file are created. For information on the log file and backup files the Deferred Ticket Cleanup utility creates, see Log File and Backup of User HTM File.

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MR Repository and User Credentials

The Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility processes the default MR Repository in the WebFOCUS Client configuration (MR_BASE_DIR). When running in interactive mode, the utility prompts you for the location of the MR Repository so you can specify a different MR Repository location.

When running in silent mode, edit the mrdtcleanup utility file in the WebFOCUS Client /utilities directory and set the REPOS variable to the fully qualified path of the MR Repository to be processed. If you want to process multiple MR repositories in silent mode, make a copy of the mrdtcleanup utility file for each MR Repository you want to process, and set the REPOS variable in each to the MR Repository to be processed. For information on how to create a utility file to process multiple MR repositories when running in silent mode, see Processing Multiple MR Repositories in Silent Mode.

The user running the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility must be a Managed Reporting Administrator. When running in interactive mode, the utility prompts for MR credentials. When running in silent mode, the MR credentials must be passed as parameters to the utility. For more information, see Running the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility.

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WebFOCUS Reporting Server and User Credentials

One or more WebFOCUS Reporting Servers and user credentials can be optionally specified in the site.wfs file for running in interactive mode, and these are required in site.wfs for running in silent mode. You can edit the site.wfs settings in the WebFOCUS Administration Console from the Custom Settings panel under the Configuration menu. There is an option in the console to encrypt the site.wfs file, which is recommended to secure the user credentials.

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Syntax: How to Specify Server Credentials in Site.wfs

Edit the site.wfs file using the following syntax:

<ifdef> IBIMR_dtcleanup



Is a WebFOCUS Reporting Server node name (NODE) that must be defined in the WebFOCUS Client's odin.cfg configuration file (/ibi/WebFOCUS76/client76/etc/odin.cfg). This file is accessible in the WebFOCUS Administration Console from the Remote Services panel under the Reporting Servers menu.

You can use an asterisk (*) for the node name if you want to specify the same user ID and password for all server nodes. This is useful if there are servers in a cluster. You can also use a combination of * and specific node names for some WebFOCUS Reporting Servers.


Specifies the WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID for the first server node specified.


Specifies the password for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID.

The Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility reads the odin.cfg file to obtain the WebFOCUS Reporting Server node connection information. In interactive mode, the user may specify a different WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID and password and additional WebFOCUS Reporting Server node names and credentials than those specified in the site.wfs file. In silent mode, the WebFOCUS Client automatically attempts to log on to the WebFOCUS Reporting Servers without prompting for credentials.

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Reference: Validation of Server Credentials in Silent Mode

Validation of WebFOCUS Reporting Server credentials is not performed when a user specifies credentials initially. This is because the WebFOCUS Reporting Servers to which the deferred tickets were submitted are not determined until the utility processes MR user deferred report information. Additionally, there may be WebFOCUS Reporting Servers running that are not in secure mode, making credentials unnecessary for establishing a connection. Not performing validation when the utility begins processing eliminates the unnecessary overhead of connecting to servers to which no MR users have submitted deferred requests.

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Reference: WebFOCUS Reporting Server Processing

Each MR user's HTM file is separately processed to obtain deferred ticket information. The number of times a connection is made to a WebFOCUS Reporting Server depends on the number of MR users that have deferred tickets for that server. Only one connection is made per user for the processing of deferred tickets for each server.

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Reference: Trusted Reporting Server Connection Restriction

Because the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility is a standalone program, you cannot run the utility in an environment that uses a Trusted connection to the Reporting Server. As a standalone program, the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility is unable to retrieve credentials to connect to the Reporting Server. If you must cleanup deferred tickets with a Trusted Reporting Server connection, use the Deferred Status Interface. For more information, see the Using the Deferred Report Status Interface chapter in the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting End User's Manual.

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Log File and Backup of User HTM File

Each time the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility runs, the WebFOCUS Client creates a log file and a backup of each MR user HTM file.

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Reference: Log File

The log file contains processing details such as timestamp information at the beginning of each file. All information appears, and if MR user credentials are written to the file, the password is masked for security reasons. The file name of the log file is in the following form:




Is the date the log file was created in Year Month Day (YYYY-MM-DD) format.


Is the time the log file was created in Hour Minute Second (HMS) format.

Log files are created in the drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS\logs directory and can be viewed by clicking the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility option on the Traces menu under the Diagnostics section of the WebFOCUS Administration Console, as shown in the following image.

To view information for a log file, click the link with the desired date and time that has a .log file extension listed in the right pane of the console. To delete a log file, select the check box next to the file and click the Delete button at the bottom of the console. You can also use the Select All and Deselect All options as needed, or click the Refresh option to ensure that the latest information appears in the console.

For an example of a log file created in interactive mode, see Sample Log File Created in Interactive Mode.

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Example: Sample Log File Created in Interactive Mode
1:   user log opened Wed Mar 29 13:43:32 EST 2006
3:createWFLog(WFContext.java:1712):Starting WebFOCUS log-file for mrdrdel
MRDTCleanup : 1 argument(s) has been received :
4:main(MRDTCleanup.java:104):The Utility to delete Unknown Deferred
Report Tickets has started...
5:isSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:174):as there was no option "-s" passed
checking if silent mode is set in site.wfs file.
6:isSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:176):MRDT_AUTODELETE is set to : null
7:main(MRDTCleanup.java:116):Utility is running in interactive mode
8:runInInteractiveMode(MRDTCleanup.java:367):MR Default Repository will
be processed
9:runInInteractiveMode(MRDTCleanup.java:378):Authenticating MR user
against specified Repository.
10:runInInteractiveMode(MRDTCleanup.java:381):authenticating MR User
11:runInInteractiveMode(MRDTCleanup.java:382):for MR Repository :
12:checkWFCCredentials(MRDTCleanup.java:487):Checking WF credentials
13:checkWFCCredentials(MRDTCleanup.java:501):No WF Server credentials
specified in site.wfs WF configuration file.
14:checkWFCCredentials(MRDTCleanup.java:502):The Utility will prompt for
the credentials to be provided by user
Processing of MR repository D:/ibi/WebFOCUS76/basedir starting.
16:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2067):Getting a list of
users on the repository
deferred tickets for admin
18:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2090):Creating a backup
of user's html file admin.htm
19:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2114):user's html file
exists, - copying it to D:/ibi/WebFOCUS76/
20:readFile(WFFileUtil.java:667):reading file D:/ibi/WebFOCUS76/
21:readFile(WFFileUtil.java:758):new FileInputStream is created to read
the file admin.htm
22:readFile(WFFileUtil.java:765):Successfully finished reading file
42:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2197):MR user admin
processing ended

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Reference: Backup of MR User HTM File

A backup is created for each MR user HTM file processed in the MR Repository being accessed. The default MR Repository is specified by the MR_BASE_DIR variable in the WebFOCUS Client configuration file (cgivars.wfs). OS level tools can be used to view the contents of the MR user HTM backup file or restore the user's working file with the backup file. After restoring the user's working file, the WebFOCUS Client Memory must be refreshed, which can be done via the WebFOCUS Administration Console.

The file name of the MR user HTM backup file is in the following form:




Is the MR user's HREF value.


Is the date in YYMMDD format.


Is the time in HHMMSS format.

MR user HTM backup files must be deleted manually.

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Running the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility

The Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility is an operating system-specific command program (mrdtcleanup) that calls Java program MRDTCleanup and is installed in the /utilities directory under the WebFOCUS Client installation.

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Reference: Requirements for Running the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility

The following are the requirements for running the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility:

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Reference: MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility File Comments

The .bat and UNIX script files contain comments with the following sections clearly identified:

Parameters - Contains information on parameters accepted by the utility from the command line.

Purpose - Explains functional purpose of the utility.

Requirements - Explains information required for running the utility, and user authorization and authentication requirements.

Usage Notes - Contains information on arguments the Java program (MRDTCleanup) accepts. You can obtain the help information by specifying '-h' as the first parameter. See Additional Administration Topics.

Variable Definition - Variables created and used by the utility, including:

Interactive Mode - Command block for running in interactive mode. This is the default mode of execution.

Silent Mode - Command block for running in silent mode.

Help Mode - Command block for running in help mode to get usage information for the Java utility.

Interactive Mode - Command block for running in interactive mode. This is the default mode of execution.

Silent Mode - Command block for running in silent mode.

Help Mode - Command block for running in help mode to get usage information for the Java utility.

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Procedure: How to Run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility

To run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in silent mode or help mode, you must supply appropriate parameters. If no parameters are supplied, the utility runs in interactive mode and you are prompted for each parameter.

From the /utilities directory under the WebFOCUS Client installation (for example, on UNIX: /ibi/WebFOCUS76/utility), enter the following on the operating system command line:

mrdtcleanup parm1 parm2 parm3



Is the mode in which the utility is run. If no value is entered, the default is interactive mode.

-i runs the utility in interactive mode.

-s runs the utility in silent mode.

-h returns argument information for the Java program (MRDTCleanup).


Is the value of the MR Administrator user ID, which is required for silent mode.


Is the password for the MR Administrator user ID, which is required for silent mode.

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Procedure: How to Run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in Silent Mode

When you run the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in silent mode, the MR Administrator user ID and password and the WebFOCUS Reporting Server node names and user credentials, must be provided because there is no user interaction while the utility is running.

By default, the MR Repository specified by the WebFOCUS Client variable MR_BASE_DIR is the one that is processed. To process a different MR Repository, make a copy of the mrdtcleanup utility file. Edit the copied file and set the REPOS variable to the fully qualified path of the directory of the MR Repository to be processed.

To run the utility in silent mode, from the /utilities directory under the WebFOCUS Client installation (for example: /ibi/WebFOCUS76/utility on UNIX), enter the following on the operating system command line:

mrdtcleanup -s parm2 parm3

Informational messages appear, informing you of processing status. Review the log file created by the utility to confirm that processing completed successfully.

Note: For information on how to create a utility file to process multiple MR repositories when running in silent mode, see Processing Multiple MR Repositories in Silent Mode.

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Procedure: How to Run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in Interactive Mode

When you run the Deferred Ticket Cleanup utility in interactive mode, it provides prompts and informational messages to help guide you through each step of the process of deleting unknown deferred tickets. To run the utility in interactive mode, perform the following steps.

  1. On Windows, select the following from the Programs menu:Information Builders, WebFOCUS76, Utilities, and then Cleanup Unknown Deferred Tickets.

    On UNIX, from the /utilities directory under the WebFOCUS Client installation (/ibi/WebFOCUS76/utility directory), on the operating system command line enter:


    The following messages appear:

    Managed Reporting utility to delete Unknown Deferred Report tickets is
    being called in Interactive Mode.
    The Utility to delete Unknown Deferred Report Tickets has started.
  2. The utility prompts you to enter MR Repository information.
    Enter MR Repository location to cleanup (press Enter to use the 
    default MR Repository):

    The default MR Repository is specified by the MR_BASE_DIR variable in the WebFOCUS Client configuration file (cgivars.wfs). The utility validates that the directory path entered is a valid MR Repository by confirming that the user.htm and mrrepos.htm files reside in that directory. If confirmation is not successful, the following message appears and the utility continues to prompt for MR Repository information:

    Location specified <location> is not a valid MR Repository.
  3. The utility displays the following prompts for MR user ID and password (with masking on the password) and validates that the credentials entered belong to an MR Administrator.
    Enter valid MR Administrator user ID for repository specified:
    <value> (must be a non-blank value)
    Enter password for MR Administrator user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*
    * (blank value permitted and value entered is masked by * for each 
    character entered)
    Please, re-enter password for MR Administrator user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*
    * (blank value permitted and value entered is masked by * for each 
    character entered)

    If credentials are not successfully validated, the following messages appear:

    The passwords you typed do not match.
    Please enter your password again.
    Enter password for MR Administrator user 
    (press Enter for empty password value):*
    * (blank value permitted and value entered is masked by * for each 
    character entered)
    Please, re-enter password for MR Administrator user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*
    * (blank value permitted and value entered is masked by * for each 
    character entered)

    If the MR user credentials do not belong to a valid MR Administrator, the following messages appear and the utility continues to prompt for MR Administrator credentials:

    Enter valid MR Administrator user ID for repository specified:
    <user ID>
    Enter password for MR Administrator user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*
    Please, re-enter password for MR Administrator user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*
    *Authenticating MR User: <user ID>
    Provided user is not an MR Administrator.
    Would you like to enter another MR User ID and password?(yes/no)
    Enter "no" to skip processing of this repository or
    press Enter to continue with "yes" value:
    Enter valid MR Administrator user ID for repository specified:
    <user ID>
    Enter password for MR Administrator user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*

    When credentials are validated, the following message appears:

    MR Administrator credentials successfully authenticated
  4. The WebFOCUS Reporting Server node names are read from the WebFOCUS Client's odin.cfg file and verified in the “indef” block of the site.wfs file, which defines the valid WebFOCUS Reporting Servers and user credentials that can be used by this utility. The following prompt appears:
    Checking for WF Server credentials optionally specified
    in WF Client configuration file (site.wfs)...
    Following WF Server is configured in odin.cfg:
    Node name : <server name>  Host name : <host name>

    If server nodes are not defined in site.wfs, the following prompt appears:

    No WF Server credentials specified in site.wfs WF configuration file.
    Would you like to provide credentials for WF Servers? (yes/no)
    Press Enter to continue with "yes" value:

    If server nodes are defined in site.wfs, the following prompt appears:

    The following WF Servers have credentials specified in site.wfs:
    <server1 name>
    Would you like to change existing WF Server credentials or
    provide credentials for additional WF Servers?(yes/no)
    Press Enter to continue with "yes" value:

    If you want to provide additional WebFOCUS Reporting Server node names and user credentials, enter the appropriate information when the following prompts appear:

    Enter WF Server name: <server name>
    Enter user ID for WF Server: <user id>
    Enter password for WF user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*******
    Please, re-enter password for WF user
    (press Enter for empty password value):*******
    Would you like to provide credentials for another WF server? (yes/no)
    Press Enter to continue with "yes" value:
  5. When you are finished entering and validating WebFOCUS Reporting Server node names and user credentials, the utility begins processing each MR user's HTM file in the MR Repository. The following messages appear on the screen in both interactive and silent modes.
    WF Server credentials have been checked/updated.
    Starting processing MR repository...
    Processing of MR repository d:/ibi/WebFOCUS76/basedir starting.
    Processing the repository for all users
    MR user admin processing started.
    Creating a backup of user's html file admin.htm
    Successfully created user's backup file:
    Retrieving deferred report information and verifying status...
    MR user admin processing ended
  6. When all MR users' HTM files are processed, the following information appears:
    Processing completed for MR repository d:/ibi/WebFOCUS76/basedir
    Review log file mrdrdel_<date>_<time>.log located in
    /logs directory under WF Client install to confirm status of 
    Processing completed for MR repository
    Would you like to process another MR repository? (yes/no)
    Enter "no" to finish processing or
    Press Enter to continue with "yes" value:

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Procedure: How to Run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in Help Mode

To run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in help mode, from the /utilities directory under the WebFOCUS Client installation (for example: /ibi/WebFOCUS76/utility on UNIX), enter the following on the operating system command line:

mrdtcleanup -h

The screen displays help information for Java program (MRDTCleanup) arguments. If additional arguments are included, they are ignored.

The argument information returned by the Java program (MRDTCleanup) provides information on the requirements and options for running the program. With this information, you can create a site-customized utility file to process your MR deferred report tickets to perform tasks such as processing multiple MR repositories in silent mode.

The following is an example of what is displayed when the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility is run in help mode:

Managed Reporting utility to delete Unknown Deferred Report tickets
is being called with -h argument to request usage information.
ECHO is off.
java MRDTCleanup [-?] [-s] -c(confpath) [-r[reposlocation.userID.pass[+...]]]
-(?/h)        Get help; if no arguments, help information is displayed
              If more args after '-?' or '-h', they are ignored.
-s            If present, turns on the silent mode.
              MR repository location MUST be specified using -r argument.
              WF Server credentials MUST be specified in site.wfs as:
              <ifdef> IBIMR_dtcleanup
              Credentials information MUST be provided for each WF Server
              node in odin.cfg that deferred tickets have been submitted to.
-c(confpath)  Fully qualified path to the installation directory where
              WebFOCUS application configuration file, web.xml, is located.
              This parameter MUST be provided.
              where 'XX' is a WebFOCUS release number.
               This argument is ignored if this utility is run in interactive mode!
               MR repository location(s) as well as MR Administrator
               credentials (id and password) for each location.
               MR repository value is optional.
               When not specified, default MR repository (MR_BASE_DIR)
               is processed.
               When specified, is fully qualified path to location of the MR
               repository to be processed.
               MR credentials MUST be a MR Administrator.
               Multiple sets can be specified using '+' char as a separator
               between repository and MR credential sets.
               Format processing default MR repository with MR credentials
                     Format specifying single MR repository:
                 Format for multiple repository and credential sets:

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Processing Multiple MR Repositories in Silent Mode

To process multiple MR repositories in silent mode, you can create your own site-customized utility file to call the Java program (MRDTCleanup). For argument information for the Java program (MRDTCleanup), see How to Run the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility in Help Mode.

When running the Java program (MRDTCleanup), your CLASSPATH must include the following files from the WebFOCUS Client installation:

installation_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\webapps\webfocus76\WEB-INF\lib\tools.jar  installation_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\webapps\webfocus76\WEB-INF\lib\srv.jar  installation_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\webapps\webfocus76\WEB-INF\lib\uas.jar  installation_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\webapps\webfocus76\WEB-INF\lib\nlslt.jar  installation_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\ibi_html\javaassist\WFAPI.jar

The command to call the Java program (MRDTCleanup) and process multiple repositories in silent mode is:

java MRDTCleanup -s -cconfpath -rreposlocation1.id1.pass1+reposlocation2.id2.pass2+...



Specifies the fully qualified path to the installation directory where the WebFOCUS application configuration file, web.xml, is located. This value must be provided. The path to the web.xml file is installation_drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\webapps\webfocus76\WEB-INF. For related information, see CONFPATH Error.


When reposlocation1 is specified, it is the fully qualified path to the location of the MR Repository to be processed (the default MR Repository, MR_BASE_DIR, is used when you do not specify this value). Specify MR credentials (id1 and pass1) using a '.' character as a separator after the repository location. These credentials must be those of an MR Administrator. You can specify multiple sets using a '+' character as a separator between repository and credential sets.

For example, the following parameter value specifies two MR repositories and MR user credentials for each repository:


To process the default MR Repository, MR_BASE_DIR, do not specify a value for reposlocation1 and use the '.' separator to specify MR credentials. For example:


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The following topics will help you troubleshoot possible error codes, exception messages, and connection failures when running the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility.

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Reference: Trace File

A trace file is available in the WebFOCUS Administration Console to view processing details for the Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility. You must first turn on the WFServlet trace option, which is turned off by default. A trace file is created each time the utility is executed.

The file name of the trace file is in the following form:




Is the date the trace file was created in Year Month Day (YYYY-MM-DD) format.


Is the time the trace file was created in Hour Minute Second (HMS) format.

To view the resulting trace files, click the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility option on the Traces menu under the Diagnostics section of the WebFOCUS Administration Console, as shown in the following image.

To view information for a trace file, click the link with the desired date and time that has a .trace file extension listed in the right pane of the console. To delete a trace file, select the check box next to the file and click the Delete button at the bottom of the console. You can also use the Select All and Deselect All options as needed, or click the Refresh option to ensure that the latest information appears in the console.

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Reference: CONFPATH Error

The WebFOCUS Client installation program installs the mrdtdcleanup files to the /utilities directory under the WebFOCUS76 directory and substitute the {confpath} value.

When running the MR Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility, if the value of CONFPATH is not the valid directory path to web.xml, the utility displays error exception information including a reference to the CONFPATH location and a message indicating that the utility encountered an error. There is no log file available for troubleshooting because the log file is only created upon successful initialization of the utility.

If you encounter this error, from the command line edit the mrdtcleanup.bat file on Windows, or the mrdtcleanup script file on UNIX, and manually correct the CONFPATH variable setting to be:

set CONFPATH=installation_drive:\ibi\webfocus76\webapps\webfocus76\WEB-INF

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Reference: WebFOCUS Reporting Server Connection Failure

When deferred tickets are processed and the credentials provided are not valid, the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is unavailable, or there are no available agents on the server, no tickets for that server are deleted. The log information informs the MR Administrator that processing for that server failed by stating that a connection could not be made to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The MR Administrator can then investigate the processing failure, make adjustments, and run the utility again.

The Deferred Ticket Cleanup Utility receives the standard error codes and exception messages returned to the WebFOCUS Client for failed connections. The WebFOCUS Client file /ibi/WebFOCUS76/client76/wfc/etc/xxib00e.htm (where xx is the language prefix) maps each error code with an explanation. For example, the following sample log file contains error code 32033, which appeared when attempting to connect to WebFOCUS Reporting Server EDASERVE:

27:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3011):executing deferredGetStatus()
failed for the WF Server EDASERVE 
28:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3012):WFErrorException has been 
29:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3013):Exiting deferredExecution() 
with the error code 32033 
Tickets: MR Error has occurred!
31:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2169):WFMRError code : 
32:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2170):WFMRError message 
: Error occurred, rc = 32033
<ERROR 32033>
<ERROR 32034>
<HEAD><Title>WebFOCUS Message: Security Violation
Invalid Credentials

In the WebFOCUS Client error file D:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\client76\wfc\etc\isib00e.html, search for the error code to view more detailed information about the error.

<ERROR 32033>
<ERROR 32034>
<HEAD><Title>WebFOCUS Message: Security Violation
Invalid Credentials

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Reference: Silent Mode Failure

When you run the utility in silent mode and the WebFOCUS Client configuration file site.wfs does not contain WebFOCUS Reporting Server node name information, the log file contains the following information. Review the site.wfs file and confirm the following:

  • There are no errors in the syntax of the <ifdef> IBIMR_dtcleanup block.
  • The WebFOCUS Reporting Server node name is the value of the NODE variable in the WebFOCUS Client odin.cfg file.

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Example: Sample Log File Created in Silent Mode

The following is an example of a log file created in silent mode:

1:   user log opened Mon Sep 25 06:32:00 EDT 2006
3:createWFLog(WFContext.java:1728):Starting WebFOCUS log-file for
4:main(MRDTCleanup.java:135):The Utility to delete Unknown Deferred 
Report Tickets has started...
5:isSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:253):as option "-s" is passed the Utility
is going to work in the silent mode.
6:isSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:254):This mode requires all the 
parameters/credentials being pre-set.
7:main(MRDTCleanup.java:154):Utility is running in the silent mode
8:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:324):NO WF Server credentials provided!
9:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:325):Deferred status information can 
only be retrieved from unsecured servers.
10:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:361):retrieved MR Repository to be 
processed : d:\ibi\WebFOCUS71\basedir
11:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:364):Files "mrrepos.htm" and 
"user.htm" have been found in the specified location
12:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:365):MR Repository location is valid,
continue processing...
13:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:390):MR Default Repository being
processed d:\ibi\WebFOCUS71\basedir
14:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:406):authenticating MR User :admin
15:isMRAdministratorUser(MRDTCleanup.java:650):Authenticating MR User: 
16:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:420):MR Administrator user is 
authenticated for MR Repository :d:\ibi\WebFOCUS71\basedir
17:runInSilentMode(MRDTCleanup.java:421):The utility will proceed to 
process Unknown Deferred Tickets for this repository...
Processing of MR repository d:\ibi\WebFOCUS71\basedir starting.
19:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2070):Getting a list of
users on the repository
deferred tickets for admin
21:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2093):Creating a backup
of user's html file admin.htm
22:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2117):user's html file
exists, copying it to 
23:readFile(WFFileUtil.java:678):reading file 
24:readFile(WFFileUtil.java:758):new FileInputStream is created to read 
the file admin.htm
25:readFile(WFFileUtil.java:765):Successfully finished reading admin.htm 
admin_mrdtcleanup_060925_063200.bak does NOT exist, - create one...
27:writeFile(WFFileUtil.java:1332):created the file 
28:writeFile(WFFileUtil.java:1352):writing the file 
29:writeFile(WFFileUtil.java:1366):successfully wrote content into the 
file admin_mrdtcleanup_060925_063200.bak
created user's backup file 
31:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3026):executing deferredGetStatus()
failed for the WF Server EDASERVE 
32:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3027):WFErrorException error code 
33:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3026):executing deferredGetStatus()
failed for the WF Server DEFERRED
34:deferredExecution(WFMRActions.java:3027):WFErrorException error code 
35:deleteUnknownDeferTickets(WFMRRepository.java:2200):MR user admin 
processing ended ...
       (between lines 35 and 60 additional MR users are processed) 
completed for MR repository d:\ibi\WebFOCUS71\basedir
61:main(MRDTCleanup.java:158):MRDTCleanup utility finished processing.
63:   user log closed Mon Sep 25 06:32:01 EDT 2006