WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Two-Way Email Administration > Using the Event Log

Using the Event Log

In this section:

Use the Event Log to monitor the status of a Two-Way Email request as it is received, assessed for security, sent to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server for execution, and distributed as a report.

The Event Log is an HTML page that opens in a browser window.

You can customize the content of the Event Log. Edit the parameter EVENTLOG in the Two-Way Email tab window of the Distribution Server's file as shown in the following image.

The descriptions for each setting are outlined in the following table.




Turns off the Event Log. Nothing is displayed.


Displays only errors.


Displays all events.

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Monitoring E-mail Traffic

The following image shows sample entries from an Event Log that displays only errors.

Each entry includes the following:

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Procedure: How to Monitor E-mail Traffic
  1. Select Two-Way Email on the Managed Reporting browser's blue toolbar to access the Two-Way Email Administrator console. In the Developer Studio Explorer, click the Two-Way Email Administrator button in the toolbar.
  2. Click the Event Log tag on the left to display the Event Log Report information as shown in the following image.

  3. Apply selection criteria to define the information that will be retrieved:
    • Use the drop-down lists for Start Date to specify the beginning of the time frame that you are interested in. Information on all events that occurred from that date up to the current date will be retrieved.
    • Enter an Managed Reporting user ID in the Managed Reporting User field. Information only for the events associated with that user ID during the specified time frame will be retrieved.
    • Enter a WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID in the WebFOCUS User field. Information only for the events associated with the supplied Managed Reporting user ID and WebFOCUS Reporting Server user ID during the specified time frame will be retrieved.
    • Enter an e-mail address in the Email Address field. Information only for the events associated with the supplied IDs and address during the specified time frame will be retrieved.
  4. Click Click to View to display the Event Log report.

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Purging the Event Log

Because the Event Log accumulates information and can become difficult to navigate, it is a good idea to periodically purge it to conserve space.

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Procedure: How to Purge the Event Log
  1. Select Two-Way Email on the Managed Reporting browser's blue toolbar to access the Two-Way Email Administrator console. In the Developer Studio Explorer, click the Two-Way Email Administrator button in the toolbar.
  2. Click the Event Log tag on the left to display the Event Log Report information as shown in the following image.

  3. Using the drop-down lists for Ending Date, specify a date through which the Event Log will be purged.
  4. Click Click to Purge. Respond to the confirmation message on the next dialog box. Two-Way Email will delete all reports from the beginning of the Event Log through the specified ending date.