WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Application Integration Topics > Managed Reporting Browser Window Feature
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You can utilize all available JavaScript options for controlling the way a browser window looks. This allows you to customize Web browser windows so that they conform to their application and organizational standards.
This feature does not change the default appearance or functionality of WebFOCUS Managed Reporting. It specifically enables you to control the browser window look and options.
Note: This feature is only available when using an Internet Explorer browser.
You can control the way a browser window looks in Managed Reporting with the addition of JavaScript code to the following:
Note: This technique applies to the HTM Managed Reporting logon pages. The JSP Managed Reporting logon pages dynamically create the Managed Reporting logon page so this technique is not available if you are using the JSP Managed Reporting logon pages.
The following JavaScript code, located in the heading of the HTML logon pages for Managed Reporting and the OLAP Control Panel file, launches the default browser window look and options.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT> function doShowDoc(u,t) { t=t.replace(' ','A'); window.open(u,t); } </SCRIPT>
Is the URL where the HTML for the browser window is located.
Is the new browser window name.
Caution: These parameters are set internally by WebFOCUS and must not be changed.
To customize the look of a window created by WebFOCUS Managed Reporting, you must make manual changes to the JavaScript code and migrate them to any future version of WebFOCUS.
To customize the browser window, determine the desired browser window options (for more information, see Browser Window Options) and JavaScript code additions, and add them after the last parameter in the JavaScript window.open call.
If you want to suppress all browser controls, including the location bar (address or URL), the JavaScript code presented in JavaScript Code must be changed as follows:
The following image shows the browser window without controls such as location bars, toolbars, and scrollbars.
If you want to suppress the location bar and status bar but display the scroll bars, you must change the JavaScript code presented in JavaScript Code as follows:
Where xx is the 2 letter abbreviation for the language you select when you log on to Managed Reporting.
You can modify the following browser window options:
When using JavaScript, you must specify all the options you want in your Managed Reporting browser window. Once an option is specified, there are no default values assumed.
Caution: The first two parameters (u and t) in the window.open call are set internally by WebFOCUS and must not be changed.
The following example shows how to open a new window, called open_window, in the upper left corner of the window that displays the front page of Managed Reporting. The size of the new window will be 640x480 pixels. To accomplish this, include the following HTML code in the head of the original document:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT> function doShowDoc(u,t) { t=t.replace(' ','A'); window.open(u,t,menubar,toolbar,location,directories,status,scrollbars, resizable,dependent,width=640,height=480,left=0,top=0); } </SCRIPT>
WebFOCUS Managed Reporting does not create a new browser window when you:
You can customize the look and feel of the amper auto-prompting facility by editing the launch page template file you are using. All of the available launch page templates are located in the ibi\WebFOCUS76\ibi_html\javaassist\ibi\html\describe directory. The default template is autoprompt_top.css.
If you want to customize the banner, create an image, save it in the describe directory, and change the background-image property, which is shown in bold type in the following Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code:
#idBannerDiv { height:45px; background-image: url(logo_banner.gif); background-position: top left; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0; margin-top:2px; cursor:hand;}
The option to select different launch page templates can be set in the WebFOCUS Administration Console using the Parameter Prompting selection under Client Settings, where you can set the IBIF_describe_xsl value to one of the launch page templates.
You can also enter the name of the desired launch page template in a FOCEXEC using the following code:
Is set to one of the following launch page template values: