WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Additional Administration Topics > Selecting the Tool Type for ReportCaster
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You can configure tool types for a Managed Reporting Administrator, Developer, and Analytical User. The selections include ReportCaster Scheduling Wizard and HTML User Interface or the Java Web Start-based ReportCaster Development and Administration Interface. This selection is not applicable to Analytical Users as they use the ReportCaster HTML user interfaces.
The MR Tool Type Selection options appear.
If you select Administrator or Developer, the MR Tool Type Selection window appears with the following defaults.
Note: The ReportCaster User Interface cannot be configured for Managed Reporting Analytical Users, who must use the HTML-based Scheduling Wizard and User Interface.
If you are using the WebFOCUS Servlet, you must reload your WebFOCUS Web application in order for your changes to take effect. In addition, users must log out of Managed Reporting and log back in.